my very first windows server technical preview 2 and nanoserver installs
Today I downloaded the Windows Server Technical Preview 2 and installed it on Hyper-V. I then did a quick search to figure out how to install NanoServer. The instructions were not clear on why you were doing certain steps (and also did a poor job of demonstrating my favorite feature - a small disk footprint!), so I came up with the following instructions:
1. Download the Windows Server Technical Preview 2
2. Install Windows Server Technical Preview 2 (optional - these steps should work from Server 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1 as well)
3. Install the Windows 8.1 ADK (Automated Deployment Kit)
4. Reference the instructions at
5. Access a Windows PowerShell command prompt
6. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
7. Download the Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 script referenced from
8. mount the Windows Server Technical Preview as a drive letter (you should be able to double click on the ISO you downloaded on Windows 8 and Server 2012 versions or greater)
9. copy the nanoserver folder from the Windows Server Technical Preview ISO to the C: drive
10. make a VHD folder on the C: drive
11. .\Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 -WIM C:\nanoserver\NanoServer.wim -VHD c:\vhd\nanoserver1.vhd -disktype dynamic -VHDFormat VHD -sizebytes 30GB -Edition 1
12. Mount the VHD Mount-DiskImage –ImagePath ‘c:\vhd\nanoserver1.vhd’ this assigns a drive letter which you will use in the next set of steps to modify the NanoServer VHD
13. add Drivers for hosting Nano Server as a virtual machine Add-WindowsPackage –Path f:\ –PackagePath C:\NanoServer\Packages\
14. add File Server role and other storage components Add-WindowsPackage –Path f:\ –PackagePath C:\NanoServer\Packages\
15. Dismount the VHD Dismount-DiskImage–ImagePath‘c:\vhd\nanoserver1.vhd’
16. Now you should be able to add the VHD to Hyper-V and boot it (generation 1 type, point the wizard to your VHD)
Test these steps and let me know if you get your own NanoServer build up and running