"Stati-C/AL Supervision – static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV"
Steffen Forkmann has reported abot Stati-C/AL, a code analysis tool for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Christian Clausen and Bent Rasmussen created a really really cool static analysis tool for Dynamics NAV. For those who worked with the Dynamics NAV Developer’s Toolkit this is your new friend:
Static analysis is dear to my heart as a way of improving programmer productivity, and I'm always impressed when people focus on the integration of languages and business products. And, it happens to be implemented in F#.
“Supervision is a free software program which can transform C/AL object text files into color-coded hyper-linked interactive HTML files. The purpose of Supervision is to give Microsoft Dynamics NAV developers an easy and intuitive way to browse C/AL source code which provides better insight into the semantics of C/AL programs.”
Some of the features are:
- Produces HTML/JavaScript code from Microsoft Dynamics NAV text export files
- Usages of user-defined functions, variables, parameters, fields, system-defined variables, and object types link to their declaration
- Usages of C/AL system functions link to official Microsoft C/AL language documentation
- Code coloring
- It’s blazing-fast
April 13, 2013
Thanks for the mention Don; we've just come out with another tool, Prism: stati-cal.com/.../prism This is a WPF application (using the same libraries we wrote for Supervision, albeit improved and extended). Everything - even the WPF project is written in F# (well, one caveat is that one project with some user controls is written in C#).Anonymous
April 14, 2013
You can learn more from the recent C4F# live meeting: http://fpish.net/course/462Anonymous
April 29, 2013
And there is some more information i found: <a href=“www.grobmanschwarz.de/dynamics-nav “> Dynamics nav/a> I learned a lot on this site. Thanks, Thomas