Tonight at the F# New York City Meetup: F# MVC for WPF with Dmitry Morozov
Tonight (actually in about half an hour) Dmitry Morozov will be talking at the F# New York City Meetup on F# MVC for WPF.
F# is known as a great language to express complex algorithms, crunch numbers and process all kinds of data. Have you ever wondered if it can be effectively used for such down-to-earth task as WPF GUI development?
“F# MVC for WPF” is a small yet powerful framework designed for building WPF applications in F#. With strong support for MVC, functional, asynchronous and event-driven programming it enables you to build your solution quickly without sacrificing type system or testability.
Project's wiki:
Dmitry is a software engineer with ThomsonReuters. He has been using F# successfully for the past 4 years in his everyday work to develop different kinds of enterprise software.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 6:30 PM, Microsoft Offices, 6th floor, 1290 Avenue of the Americas between 51st and 52nd Streets, New York, NY(map)