Delete all alerts programatically

Refer to for setup if you are not familiar with creating a SharePoint OM application.

This is a simple example of removal of all alerts registered in a site. This can be handy for testing or mass cleanup.


void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      //delete all alerts in entire site
      using(SPSite mysite = new SPSite(this.textBox1.Text))
            foreach (SPWeb myWeb in mysite.AllWebs)
                  foreach(SPAlert myAlert in myWeb.Alerts)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                              this.textBox2.Text = ex.Message+"\nError deleting "+myAlert.User.LoginName+" Alert:" + myAlert.ListUrl;


It would be easy to modify this code to clean a single user out of every site if you put an if statement such as the following in the last foreach loop:
if (myAlert.User.LoginName == textbox3.Text)
