Our Next Engineering Milestone

Many posts start with a thank you and I want to start this post with an extra special thank you on behalf of the entire Windows team for all the installs and usage we are seeing of the Windows 7 Beta. We’ve had millions of installations of Windows 7 from which we are receiving telemetry, which is simply incredible. And from those who click on the “Send Feedback” button we are receiving detailed bug reports and of course many suggestions. There is simply no way we could move from Beta through Final Release of Windows 7 without this type of breadth coverage and engagement from you in the development cycle. There’s been such an incredible response, with many folks even blogging about how they have moved to using Windows 7 Beta on all their machines and have been super happy. The question we get most often is “if the Beta expires in August what will I do—I don’t want to return to my old [sic] operating system.” For a Beta release, that is quite a complement and we’re very appreciative of such a kind response.

This post is about the path from where we are today, Beta, to our RTM (Release To Manufacturing), building on the discussion of this topic that started at the PDC . This post is in no way an announcement of a ship date, change in plans, or change in our previously described process, but rather it provides additional detail and a forward looking view of the path to RTM and General Availability. The motivation for this, in addition to the high level of interest in Windows 7, is that we’re now seeing how releasing Windows is not something that Microsoft does “solo”, but rather is something that we do as one part of the overall PC ecosystem. Obviously we have a big responsibility to do our part, one we take very seriously of course. The last stages of a Windows release are a partnership across the entire ecosystem working to make sure that the incredible variety of choices you have for PCs, software, and peripherals work together to bring you a complete and satisfying Windows 7 experience.

The next milestone for the development of Windows 7 is the Release Candidate or “RC”. Historically the Release Candidate has signaled “we’re pretty close and we want people to start testing the release, especially because all the features are done.” As we have said before, with Windows 7 we chose a slightly different approach which we were clear up front about and are all now experiencing together and out in the open. The Pre-Beta from the PDC was a release where we said it was substantially API complete and even for the areas that were not in the release we detailed the APIs and experience in the sessions at the PDC. At that time we announced that the Beta test in early 2009 would be both API and feature complete, widely available, and would be the only Beta test. We continued this dialog with our hardware partners at WinHEC. We also said that many ecosystem partners including PC makers, software vendors, hardware makers will, as has been the case, continue to receive interim builds on a regular basis. This is where we stand today. We’ve released the feature complete Beta and have made it available broadly around the world (though we know folks have requested even more languages). As a development team we’re doing just what many of you do, which is choosing to run the Beta full time on many PCs at home and work (personally I have at least 9 different machines running it full time) and we’re running it on many thousands of individual’s machines inside Microsoft, and thousands of machines in our labs as well.

All the folks running the Beta are actively contributing to fixing it. We’re getting performance telemetry, application compatibility data, usage information, and details on device requirements among other areas. This data is very structured and very actionable. We have very high-bandwidth relationships with partners and good tools to help each other to deliver a great experience. One thing you might be seeing is that hardware and software vendors might be trying out updated drivers / software enhanced for Windows 7. For example, many of the anti-virus vendors already have released compatibility packs or updates that are automatically applied to your running installation. You might notice, for example, that many GPU chipsets are being recognized and Windows 7 downloads the updated WDDM 1.1 drivers. While the Windows Vista drivers work as expected, the new 1.1 drivers provide enhanced performance and a reduced memory footprint, which can make a big difference on 1GB shared memory machines. You might insert a device and receive a recently updated version of a driver as I did for a Logitech QuickCam. Another example some of you might have seen is that the Beta requires a an updated version of Skype software currently in testing. When you go to install the old version you get an error message and then the problem and solutions user interface kicks in and you are redirected to the Beta site. This type of error handling is deployed in real time as we learn more and as the ecosystem builds out support. It is only because of our partnerships across the ecosystem that such efforts are possible, even during the Beta.

Of course, it is worth reiterating that our design point is that devices and software that work on Windows Vista and are still supported by the manufacturer will work on Windows 7 with the same software. There are classes of software and devices that are Windows-version specific for a variety of reasons, as we have talked about, and we continue to work together to deliver great solutions for Windows 7. The ability to provide people the vast array of choices and the openness of the Windows platform make all of this a massive undertaking. We continue to work to improve this while also making sure we provide the opportunities for choice and differentiation that are critical to the health and variety of the overall ecosystem. This data and the work we’re doing together with partners is the critical work going on now to reach the Release Candidate phase.

We’re also looking carefully at all the quality metrics we gather during the Beta. We investigate crashes, hangs, app compat issues, and also real-world performance of key scenarios. A very significant portion of our effort from Beta to RC is focused on exclusively on quality and performance. We want to fix bugs experienced by customers in real usage as well as our broad base of test suites and automation. A key part of this work is to fix the bugs that people really encounter and we do so by focusing our efforts on the data we receive to drive the ordering and priority of which bugs to fix. As Internet Explorer has moved to Release Candidate, we’ve seen this at work and also read about it on IE Blog.

Of course the other work we’re doing is refining the final product based on all the real-world usage and feedback. We’ve received a lot of verbatim feedback regarding the user experience—whether that is default settings, keyboard shortcuts, or desired options to name a few things. Needless to say just working through, structuring, and “tallying” this feedback is a massive undertaking and we have folks dedicated to doing just that. At the peak we were receiving one “Send Feedback” note every 15 seconds! As we’ve talked about in this blog, we receive a lot of feedback where we must weigh the opinions we receive because we hear from all sides of an issue—that’s to be expected and really the core design challenge. We also receive feedback where we thought something was straight forward or would work fine, but in practice needed some tuning and refinement. Over the next weeks we’ll be blogging about some of these specific changes to the product. These changes are part of the process and part of the time we have scheduled between Beta and RC.

So right now, every day we are researching issues, resolving them, and making sure those resolutions did not cause regressions (in performance, behavior, compatibility, or reliability). The path to Release Candidate is all about getting the product to a known and shippable state both from an internal and external (Beta usage and partner ecosystem readiness) standpoint.

We will then provide the Release Candidate as a refresh for the Beta. We expect, based on our experience with the Beta, a broad set of folks to be pretty interested in trying it out.

With the RC, this process of feedback based on telemetry then repeats itself. However at this milestone we will be very selective about what changes we make between the Release Candidate and the final product, and very clear in communicating them. We will act on the most critical issues. The point of the Release Candidate is to make sure everyone is ready for the release and that there is time between the Release Candidate and our release to PC makers and manufacturing to validate all the work that has gone on since the pre-Beta. Again, we expect very few changes to the code. We often “joke” that this is the point of lowest productivity for the development team because we all come to work focused on the product but we write almost no code. That’s the way it has to be—the ship is on the launch pad and all the tools are put away in the toolbox to be used only in case of the most critical issues.

As stated up front, this is a partnership and the main thing going on during this phase of the project is really about ecosystem readiness. PC makers, software vendors, hardware makers all have their own lead times. The time to prepare new products, new configurations, software updates, and all the collateral that goes with that means that Windows 7 cannot hit the streets (so to speak) until everyone has time to be ready together. Think of all those web sites, download pages, how-to articles, training materials, and peripheral packages that need to be created—this takes time and knowing that the Release Candidate is the final code that we’re all testing out in the open is reassuring for the ecosystem. Our goal is that by being deliberate, predictable, and reliable, the full PC experience is available to customers.

We also continue to build out our compatibility lists, starting with logo products, so that our https://www.microsoft.com/windows/compatibility site is a good resource for people starting with availability. All of these come together with the PC makers creating complete “images” of Windows 7 PCs, including the full software, hardware, and driver loads. This is sort of a rehearsal for the next steps.

At that point the product is ready for release and that’s just what we will do. We might even follow that up with a bit of a celebration!

There’s one extra step which is what we call General Availability or GA. This step is really the time it takes literally to “fill the channel” with Windows PCs that are pre-loaded with Windows 7 and stock the stores (online or in-person) with software. We know many folks would like us to make the RTM software available right away for download, but this release will follow our more established pattern. GA also allows us time to complete the localization and ready Windows for a truly worldwide delivery in a relatively small window of time, a smaller window for Windows 7 than any previous release. It is worth noting that the Release Candidate will continue to function long enough so no one should worry and everyone should feel free to keep running the Release Candidate.

So to summarize briefly:

  • Pre-Beta – This release at the PDC introduced the developer community to Windows 7 and represents the platform complete release and disclosure of the features.
  • Beta – This release provided a couple of million folks the opportunity to use feature complete Windows 7 while also providing the telemetry and feedback necessary for us to validate the quality, reliability, compatibility, and experience of Windows 7. As we said, we are working with our partners across the ecosystem to make sure that testing and validation and development of Windows 7-based products begins to enter final phases as we move through the Beta.
  • Release Candidate (RC) – This release will be Windows 7 as we intend to ship it. We will continue to listen to feedback and telemetry with the focus on addressing only the most critical issues that arise. We will be very clear in communicating any changes that have a visible impact on the product. This release allows the whole ecosystem to reach a known state together and make sure that we are all ready together for the Release to Manufacturing. Once we get to RC, the whole ecosystem is in “dress rehearsal” mode for the next steps.
  • Release to Manufacturing (RTM) – This release is the final Windows 7 as we intend to make available to PC makers and for retail and volume license products.
  • General Availability (GA) – This is a business milestone and represents when you can buy Windows 7 pre-installed on PCs or as full packaged product.

The obvious question is that we know the Pre-Beta was October 28, 2008, and the Beta was January 7th, so when is the Release Candidate and RTM? The answer is forthcoming. We are currently evaluating the feedback and telemetry and working to develop a robust schedule that gets us the right level of quality in a predictable manner. Believe me, we know many people want to know more specifics. We’re on a good path and we’re making progress. We are taking a quality-based approach to completing the product and won’t be driven by imposed deadlines. We have internal metrics and milestones and our partners continue to get builds routinely so even when we reach RC, we are doing so together as partners. And it relies, rather significantly, on all of you testing the Beta and our partners who are helping us get to the finish line together.

Shipping Windows, as we hoped this shows, is really an industry-wide partnership. As we talked about in our first post, we’re promising to deliver the best release of Windows we possibly can and that’s our goal. Together, and with a little bit more patience, we’ll achieve that goal.

We continue to be humbled by the response to Windows 7 and are heads down on delivering a product that continues to meet your needs and the needs of our whole industry.

--Steven on behalf of the Windows 7 team


  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2009
    Any plans to update the Vista WDDM to new improved 1.1 version? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    What I'm hoping to see in Windows 7 by the time it's released is an improved installer. We should be able to customize our partions a bit more and be able to choose what we want on them. You could have a partition for programs, profile data, and even a small hidden one that stores your page file. I and many other advanced users would appreciate this as partitions can give you the benefit of file security and less fragmentation. I think it should also have things like drive mapping and the ability to create symbolic links.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    Oh, Steven, can you push Intel to make WDDM1.1 driver for 945GM? They've decided to abandon dozens millions of netbooks with that chipset in order to sell newer ones, but it will result in poorly performing Win7 and Microsoft blame and hate; why does that happen again?

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    While everyone wants Microsoft to rush with the release of Windows 7, its good to see that MS is not succumbing to the pressure. Take your time and give us a great end product ... and from the likes of what we are seeing here, I'd say we on to something really good !

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    PLEASE FIX THIS STEVEN! http://www.withinwindows.com/2009/01/30/malware-can-turn-off-uac-in-windows-7-by-design-says-microsoft/ I think you must ask user permission anyway at least for change UAC Settings.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    There's one fundamental problem here. Thats the assertion that Windows 7 as-is is 'feature complete'. It really shouldn't be. We are asked not 3 or 4 months ago what we'd like to see in this OS. And clearly, whatever suggestions were made had no time to be incorporated. Clearly, those requests were a fraud: we were being asked to make 'tinkering' requests, but the implication was we were defining broader needs. Once again, you get the feeling of a 'halfway done' update, that care hasn't been taken to define a new way of doing things, with too much legacy stuff still in there. Take for example Device Stage: fine, if the manufacturer supports it, but what if they don't? There's still zillions of Control Panel applets, confusing overlap, and general lack of transition of old forms to new forms. Nowehere is that starker than with HomeGroup. Works fine when you connect a bunch of Win7 PCs together, but what if you've got Vista or XP machines and aren't going to change them (note, no upgrade path from XP!!)? There's nothing that talks about their participation in HomeGroup, no promise of new compatibility drivers, nothing. They're just shut out. And if MS do the research, they'll find out that every home/business in the US has this mixed bag od multi-age, multi-version hardware that is still being used. This should have been one of the abiding messages from the Vista failure: people in the 'ecosystem' running with their own agendas which don't mesh with those of end users or businesses. We expect code to work and bugs to be quashed; that's baseline. The bigger issue is what happens when I plug in old hardware that isn't directly supported? How do I move my iTunes library to my new machine? What we've got here is a re-tooling of Vista, but basically, its got all the same shortcomings and failures of concept that Vista had, just papered over and executed slightly better. For those already on Vista it is probably a worthwhile upgrade, and it'll probably be OK with new hardware and on new PCs. It doesn't fundamentally address netbook PCs (low capability machines); a very small percentage of people will make use of Touch features because their hardware doesn't support it (and I'll bet any money you like, some existing hardware already out there utilizing touch will somehow also not be supported). I won't magically get proper support for my 3 year old multi-function printer/copier/fax. Will we ever get working Cisco VPN software? Will that ever be 64-bit? Will profiles be made available for older games so they get properly recognized in Games Explorer? Will games makers actually use the updater functionality? (e.g. Steam games or those with custom updaters, which most have). Answers are probably NO to all the above. And therein lies MS's problem - they're now in damage limitation mode for all the things they didn't address, instead of asking why they didn't address them in the first place. They're into minor fixes and finding workarounds. MS, will deliver what Win 7 is defined as today. But, you still won't have given us what we wanted/needed.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    I really hope you give yourself time to examine the bugs we send and consider the suggestions we make. I know there's always not enough time to implement/fix everything but bear in mind we prefer having a stable, reliable, feature-rich system over a sooner shipping date :) Keep up the good job, beta1 is really of good quality.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    Great job on Windows 7. burgesjl; I find it runs very good on my wifes Dell Mini 9 netbook.  It runs good on a 5-6 year old laptop.  It runs good on my kids low end 5 year old desktop.  So it DOES run good on low capability machines.  My kids PC is using a ten-twelve year old laser printer that works also.  It works on my work laptop, including the touchscreen.  I could go on but the point, burgesjl, is that you obviously are going on bad assumptions instead of experience.  MS delivered exactly what I wanted/needed.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    Mr Steven you're GREAT!! Windows Team is Awesome! Thanks for Windows 7 CONGRATULATION

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    There is a feature that I would like added to the double click response to a running taskbar icon. Right now one click to a running program will minimize/restore the program if there is only one instance, and will open/close the thumbnail preview if there is more then one. This makes sense, but I would like the minimize/restore functions moved to a double click in this case, and right now a double click does nothing so it's just waiting for a good function. So in short, I would like a double click to a program's taskbar icon to minimize/restore all of it's windows when there is more the one instance of the program running. In the case that one of the program's windows is open and another is minimized, I would like the double click to minimize all of the program windows, so the only time a double click would restore windows is when they were all in a minimized state to start. This would really help my work flow. Having no simple way to minimize all of a program's windows leaves a really big functionality gap in the window management area. Thanks much for listening. Christian Skyler McClelland

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    I think this one is a keeper. Loads faster than Vista, runs faster than Vista, and isn't a resource hog like Vista. You took all the best parts of Vista, revamped the worst parts, and gave everything a new coat of paint. I look forward to the RC and the final version--although a free or discounted upgrade from Vista would be cool. Keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    What is Microsoft's official stance of availability of existing Vista Ultimate Extras for Windows 7?

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    Hoping to see some last minute RTM build-exclusive surprises like XP's awesome icons, music and tour.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    7 is very impressive on the whole, and I am excited for the RC when it comes.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    Do you aware of this security flaw of UAC in Windows 7 http://www.istartedsomething.com/20090130/uac-security-flaw-windows-7-beta-proof/ Other than that, Windows 7 rocks!

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    I've just read this: http://www.istartedsomething.com/20090131/microsoft-dismisses-windows-7-uac-security-flaw-insists-by-design/ and I hope Windows 7 development team will change is idea.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    I think that is not a UAC flaw, but a Windows flaw with too much DLL Hooks accessible to the programmer without checking the permissions. Why a standard user program can emulate keyboard input? However I think that is good to ask the permission for changing UAC settings whatever is UAC level.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    Well I've blocked the scripts through Windows 7 AppLocker ;) I think that Steven can write a piece on AppLocker ;). In the Beta the DLL Enforcement rule doesn't work, but I hope that Microsoft can make some default rules about some dll hooking, with enable/disable user control.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    The problem in the UAC is realy a flaw. Specialy because the UAC's behavior should not be a "Windows setting", it should be a "Security setting" and if you don't have that kind then it's better rebranded as a "Computer setting" even if it's not. As noted, it could be solved by setting the UAC to always prompt ( Vista style ) but this imply user's intervencion, wich we know its not going to happen and the only thing malware writers has to do to upgrade to W7 is to remember disable the UAC first. The answers provided by Microsoft by now has told me that the development team is not involved in this, but we like to know your stand in this issue.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2009
    Sirus, this is Beta No RC or RTM

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    Domenico: it's not about the product stage right now, it's about official Microsoft statements concerning this situation (http://www.neowin.net/news/main/09/01/31/microsoft-insists-uac-vulnerability-is-not-a-flaw). These statements define this kind of UAC behavior as normal ('by design'). Unfortunately, for most of the users, this is far from being normal. I'm sure the dev team is aware of this but official announcments like this are rather strange.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    Windows 7 as it stands now is a "feature complete Beta"? No desktop background RSS feeds? Why did you even include a "Send Feedback" link? When is the right time to send suggestions? Why did I write all the comments to this blog if Win7 is already feature complete? Why did you ask for suggestions? Windows development always (read 2000, Vista and 7) felt like this for me:

  1. Rumours
  2. MSFT: "We are working on it"
  3. MSFT: "Beta, give us suggestions"
  4. Me: "Wow looks great. Now if they would only change this and that..."
  5. MSFT: "Beta is feature complete. We don't care about your suggestions."
  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    "There is simply no way we could move from Beta through Final Release of Windows 7 without this type of breadth coverage and engagement from you in the development cycle." Emm... just some recommendation - move completely to Open Source model, then?:)

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    I would like to hear updates on the number of Windows 7 sku's that will be released.   Personally I still think the Vista model is flawed.  There should be a max of 3 versions.  Business, Home, Portable.   I think you would be better off with just 1, and that one have the ability to run in a low resource mode for the netbooks. Also I would like to see you all come up with a home pack answer.   Apple is really kicking MS on this one.   On the business front - when does the beta start for the workstation / business sku?

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    The windows team talked a lot about video driver that could use the CPU to use aero (to use for example inside VM) so did you guys let that go away? wtroost> That's why microsoft is pushing MED-V (which can run apps on virtual pc without the user noticing it, or using APP-V (formely softgrid)). I suggest you visit www.microsoft.com/virtualization d_e> Indeed, this post appear to indicate that our feedback on idea/what to add is meaningless to them, it reminds me of a blog post when a dev @ msft had a great idea and his manager told him "if the idea really was that great one of our lead architects would have thought of it by now". compuser> One care will soon disappear and will be "replaced" by a free antivirus named Morro by microsoft.  See http://www.securityfocus.com/brief/857 This is the first time in Windows history that they will finally ship a NEW version of windows that is faster than the last one ! Let me just say this was about time ... thanks msft for not eating out new processing power this time around, much appreciated and please continue on that model.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    This is a Windows flaw, it's clear that emulate any input keys also with limited privileges is BAD THING. UAC is good if it works well in any conditions (read: with any setting that not disable it). If a simple VBScript can turn off UAC is a BAD THING. If you don't want to disable SendKey() hooks, I don't think that it's difficult to fix this making simple unsigned UAC panel. The default level of UAC is an OPTION that MUST WORK, if they don't fix this IT'S simply USELESS. I love Windows 7 but Microsoft has to do the right thing.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    Just posted on my blog - love Windows 7 and looks like there is a solid release plan. HOWEVER, I can't figure out how to submit all the BIG Troubles I am having with 64 Bit edition of Win 7 (details just posted on my adir1.com blog). I think 64 Bit should get special attention. It was always in big trouble, and with most computers coming out with 4+ GB ram, it's more critical than ever before.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    I'm impressed with Windows 7 so far, and general feedback from other forum users seems to be positive too. I do hope this is a really polished release, as it feels like Vista came out only a short time ago. One thing I've picked up on from these comments was a request for the "up" folder button. That would be a most welcome re-inclusion!

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    @adir1 -- please post your machine make/model as your blog description doesn't give much information to go on. --Steven

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    I will say few additional words: people are saying, that 7 seems to be better than previous one (Vista). Almost nobody speak, that it's faster, smaller, etc. than XP. In my opinion: it can show, how wrong product was Vista (and it would be really fair to give free upgrade for them) and it can show, that technologies (forced by business and other targets) implemented in 6.x made it more bloated than 5.x (because I don't believe, that Microsoft has got so wrong programmers now). How it will continue ? Opening MSN Mobile Music service gives a lot for thinking...

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    @Steven&Win7Team I have loaded Windows 7 on a few customer machines and They are just so pleased with the over all effectiveness of the Operating System, I can now say that the Beta is worthy of all my praise! What tops it off is that I have converted a Mac user to Windows 7, they actually went and purchased a PC after paying the big bucks for a Mac, this is in my view proof that Windows is simpler and more cost effective than anything Apple can do

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    You can send feedback all day long about the things you want fixed in Windows 7 - but where do we see any of the things MS is actually going to work on? When you send feedback to MS you don't get responses. Where is a place that you can post that MS will actually listen?   Or are they going to make another Vista and ignore everyone who said Vista was slow?   How'd that work out for them last time?

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    > Or are they going to make > another Vista and ignore everyone > who said Vista was slow? I'm afraid, that it can happen. Why ?

  1. many problems and ideas (how to improve situation) described even on this forum were simply ignored
  2. Windows 7 is going to RC, although in fact has got the same requirements to Vista and when you will look into unofficial benchmarks (put against EULA into net), you will see, that real system performance is practically the same to Vista. I agree, that system seems to be faster in many places, but it's faster than Vista, not than XP. You still have many services and RAM usage, you still can get without any problems 100% CPU usage on plain system (have seen by me on VMWare)
  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    If this current beta is indeed feature complete, does this mean there won't be any changes in the disk management options, and we are finally offered the possibillity to boot from a (software) raid 1 and use raid 5? i allways understood that the decision to exclude this from previous windows versions was an marketing decision. what marketing decision awaits us this time......

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    This week in class I had the problem I was talking in one of my previous class: When you select hibernate/shutdown it won't shut off if there's program running, it simply pop a list of all the program running asking you if you really wanna close them :S I'm repeating myself but: I want the computer to shutdown/hibernate NO MATTER WHAT inside 2min or so when placed in my backpack. (after closing the top or pressing the hibernate button) Something new: I read about booting on a VHD and I think it sould be made much simpler, I really would like to have a big VHD with a windows configure to run games, optimized with few services/programs, but right now it's pretty complicated to "simply" do that. When you over and icon of an multi-window application there's still the 1 sec delay for showing previews and it's very, very annoying especially in windows messenge, the worst experience ever I have ever had with this application. keep up the good work, it's far from finish.

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    When you right click a "program" icon.. or a shortcut to a program, you should have and "uninstall" command available.  Like when you delete the shortcut, it would be cool to have the ability to uninstall it, without having to go to control panel, etc. I also have random freezes in Media Center... But, I have loved and used VISTA since BETA and love 7 even more... using it on all my machines!!!!   Excellent job!!

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2009
    I'm looking forward to Windows 8 or 9.  Perhaps by then Microsoft will allow the same amount of customization as you had in XP and 2000.  I analogize Windows 7 to IE 8 you gave back about  1/3 of the ability to truly customize the UI and your pounding your chest like this is a awesome new feature. Lets account, IE 6 and Windows XP very customizable, skin-able adaptable.  Vista and IE 7 is have it Microsoft's way or go away. Now IE 8 and Windows 7, it's, "Hey we listened you can change the colors, ooh look at the pretty colors, look wow you can change the size of the search bar. ooh, wow, ah."   I'm not a Microsoft hater, but I just want the respect, that I am intelligent enough to know what works for me, I don't want Microsoft to tell me, just give me the options so I can choose for my self.  This will more than likely be deleted by a Moderator, they've done it before. Again I'm not five years old, please don't treat me like a child, I'm old enough to choose for my self and to understand and except the responsibilities for my actions....  

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    Steven, I have to also second the complaints by marcinw and solaris. Windows 7 explorer does crash too often. The Random crashes in IE 8 and WMP does happen way too often. The hardware and memory footprint is still too much like Windows Vista. I think it needs to be dialed back further. Benchmark wise, it has to perform better. In my opnion, Windows 7 needs a Beta 2 or a Beta Refresh. Hopefully, a Beta 2 or a Beta Refresh will be given strong consideration. I think Windows 7 is about 70% ready. However, further hardware demand reduction is needed. Greater stability is needed. Benchmark testing is needed and tweaks to hold up to the competition. FYI, my system uses an AMD Athlon 64 x 2 Dual Core 3600+, 2 GB of DDR 2 800 Mhz, Diamond MM Radeon ATI HD2600 PRO with 512 MB of GDDR2 Memory, 160 GB SATA drive, and an ECS Geforce6100SM-M motherboard. Not the greatest but good enough to tackle Vista and Windows 7. I really do hope you'll take these suggestions and give Windows 7 the proper beta time to incubate properly. We really do appreciate the hard work and man hours put in. I think you guys are almost there. We just need some more work and Windows 7 will be one of the finest OS releases. Thank you for the time and Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    First , i use win7 on my machine and works great , good job, but....why support for doc and xls are still not included in Windows, only rtf, odt ? i should be able to see doc files and xls files,without any other 3rd programs, especialy now when the Office Team is  part of windows team...and 2nd try to disable Escape key from close highlight window(s), eg.( when i dload something from IE and i accidently hit Escape key will close dload window without any warning and approve mode)... Good Luck! to RC

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    @hitman721 when crash Explorer? Explorer or Internet Explorer? Are you sure you have correctly installed the drivers? I install Windows 7 Beta on Fujitsu Siemens lifebook  Year 1999 (Ex OS Windows 98) and work . Whereas the price of modern hardware, we must look to the future and not to the past. what counts for Windows 7 is that it works well, and already from this Beta we only applaud the work of this great team

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    for admins: please delete one of my posts. seems to be added by mistake

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    Forgot one other thing. Resuming from Sleep makes the audio not work anymore. I have to completely reboot the computer in order to restore audio.

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    @marcinw I respect your opinion, and I am sure that the team takes any good idea to make an assessment. I have great confidence in Sinofsky and TEAM. Expect RC and let our suggestions until the end

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    I don't have an ID to send feedback so I'll try here. The tooltip shell extension seems to be broken in that it truncates the text after the first tab character (not unicode). Works fine in all previous versions of windows. Other than that, Windows 7 is looking like a fantastic product!

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    @marcinw The most difficult challenge for Mr. Steven and Team is satisfy more than 1 billion people, PS. Windows 7 taskforce http://www.windows7taskforce.com/

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    It's very strange for me, that there's not going to be corporate launch before the general availability date, like it was with Vista. In such a way, I think many corporations could start evaluating the software before it's even available on the shelves. Also, I couldn't understand from your post, which of the mentioned timeframes is going to be devoted for OEMs, that they start prebuilding the machines with the RTM software version, and have their final problems solved together with Microsoft, just before the general availability. I think such a period is must.

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    @Domenico, Many from these 1 billion people were satisfied, when had smaller numbers (RAM/HDD/etc. usage)... When they're higher than in previous version, system is still not ready. Black is black, white is white. This is of course example only. We can speak a lot, but one fact will be not changed - without some deeper changes Windows will be collapsing.

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    I am not windows fanboi but personally i haven't been this excited about a Windows OS Since NT 5 renamed to windows 2000 ;-). I have liked everything i have seen so far my favorite is the default install with little to no tweaking has a 560mb memory foot print with antivirus and defender isntalled. This will be my households next OS upgrade currently XP and vista 32-bit. The only thing i saw that was discouraging was it seems they are Keeping the inane Ultimate/home/Home premium/ etc.. marketing gimmick i felt this fell flat on its face with Vista basically there was really no compelling reason to pay the extra chunk of change for Ultimate. Free marketing advice for Microsoft avoid the confussion and realease monolithic Windows 7 as a base OS then sell downloadable enablement features i.e. Windows 7 + business features = Windows 7 business enabled or Windows 7 enabled for home etc..

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    from cthames:> 8) Microsoft should have included support for mounting ISO’s in Windows 7. +1 I agree completly, it would be very helpfull.

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2009
    Weird to hear about x64 install problems/explorer crashes for me, since it didn't happen to me at all. Same for hibernating/sleep problems. Only shows how hard it is to get an OS working w/o problems on every PC.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    I've been testing W7 for a week now, and I'm very happy with it. No crashes at all, very fast, faster even I think than the XP x64 system I used before. I however have a weird issue : I usually don't shut down my system, but put it into hibernation instead. And here with W7 when I do that the PC shuts down as it should, but when I come back a few hours later it's back on, with the login screen. Looks like it somehow wakes up all by itself. It only happens with hibernation, not with a normal shutdown. Has anyone else experienced this ?

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    http://www.istartedsomething.com/20090130/uac-security-flaw-windows-7-beta-proof/ I am sure others have pointed this out to you. This is the first serious negative publicity I have seen about Windows 7 in the blogsphere. As you are well aware of the phenomenon, somebody discovers a (here, valid) issue, and bloggers pick it up. People are writing posts, voicing opinions and microsoft is being shown in the bad light here. This was one thing that contributed in killing Vista.... people never gave it a fair chance. Let's hope 7 doesn't meet the same fate.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    I have created my own tooltip shell extension (implemented class derived from IPersistFile and IQueryInfo) that is registered against all file types (HKCR*\shellx{00021500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}). The implementation of IQueryInfo::GetInfoTip() is as follows: HRESULT CTestTooltip::GetInfoTip(DWORD dwFlags,LPWSTR* ppwszTip) { (VOID)dwFlags; const LPSTR szMsg="Test t Message"; // Get an IMalloc interface from the shell. LPMALLOC pMalloc; if (FAILED(SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc))) return(E_FAIL);    // Allocate a buffer for Explorer.  Note that the must pass the string    // back as a Unicode string, so the string length is multiplied by the    // size of a Unicode character.    *ppwszTip=(LPWSTR)pMalloc->Alloc((strlen(szMsg)+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));    // Release the IMalloc interface now that we're done using it.    pMalloc->Release(); // If we failed to allocate memory for the tooltip if (NULL==*ppwszTip) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;    // Fill in the tooltip text    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,szMsg,  (int)strlen(szMsg)+1,*ppwszTip,(int)strlen(szMsg)+1);    return S_OK; } Now when I hover over a file in explorer I'm shown a tooltip that only contains the word 'Test'.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    FEATURE REQUEST: A software repository that can dip into Windows updates AND show updates to existing installed non-Microsoft programs. Right now Windows only updates itself through Windows Update and we have to rely on 3rd party setups such as filehippo.com Update Checker to see if there are newer software updates available for our programs. I am requesting something along the lines of the Ubuntu Linux Synaptic Software Updater, or using KDE, Adept Software Updater. I would hope that Microsoft is working with a 3rd party partner to somehow put together a Windows Repository where Windows Updates and non-Microsoft software can release their software and updates in one place for all the updates needed. The filehippo.com website has it right but unfortunately Vista and W7 automatically stops the program from starting up thus does not allow it to check for software updates. Even if you try to manually run it, DEP blocks it.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    @julx64 I had the same thing the last two nights and was going to post on that. Yes, the computer (franken-puter) (Win 7 x64) seems to come out of sleep/hibernation itself and this is the second time in two nights. Secondly i'm not sure if you get this problem, but whenever it comes out of hibernation (either by me or franken-puter by itself) my audio doesn't seem to work at all and I have to restart my computer. This happens anytime the computer goes to sleep/hibernate. I commented about this yesterday here.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    One last thing... I was out spreading the word playing World of Warcraft (I play every once in a while) by saying "Windows 7 and WoW were meant to be together" and after the third time I said it I got a BSOD. Not sure about the irony here... I did laugh though. :) I haven't had it happen since but then I only played for 2 hours. It ask to send a report so not sure if it sent the BSOD information to the team.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    I'd like to hear more about WARP, Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform, which would be very interresting to hear about from an engineering perspective as you have not talked about it yet and as far as I know it is not yet included in the beta that is features complete? see http://www.tomshardware.com/news/windows-cpu-gpu,6645.html for more detail

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    Sku Edition Windows 7 http://www.winsupersite.com/win7/win7_skus.asp 2 version   Home premium and Professional Ok I preorder today PROFESSIONAL WOW!! :D

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    looking at the Beta (and looking forward to the RC) in my opinion the biggest problem besides the bugs, errors etc. is visualisation, style, or whatever you'd like to call it. The taskbar is a big example: what's an icon?, what's an open window?, where are several windows open?, how many of them? and so on. It's not impossible to visualize this: black and white icons for shortcuts, making the bar 3d like the dock in mac leopard to have more space and possibilities to visualize how many windows are opened etc. Another example is Explorer: Why isn't there a proper preview functionality? Why has the navigation pane the same background color as the content field? Why isn't there a visual connection between the folder in the navigation pane and the content of the folder (like in Gmail)? And so on. This "problem" can also be seen in small details: no visual connection between the systray volume icon and the opened volume bar. Or also how Seven deals with Gadgets. No new visual idea that replaces the sidebar. Or take Windows Media Player in Libary Mode: Not only is it not consistent with the rest of Seven but it also is less stylish than the Zune Software, iTunes or Windows Media Center. my impression is that windows is a great product as far as technology, ideas, concepts, inovations, etc. is concerned but lacks in ... let's say presentation. Is all bad? NO! Aero Snaps? Great! Show Desktop? Super! The Boot Up Animation? Cool! Jump List in Start Menu? Good! The preview thumbnails in the taskbar? Annoyingly slow but nice! Desktop Wallpaper Slide Show? Good but where are Dreamscenes?

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    @cthames Never experienced this sound problem, allways works fine after waking up. Anyway, as a fresh boot seems to bas as fast as resuming from hibernation, I think I'll use a proper shutdown for the time being.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    Can you please make sure that the beta does not expire before the retail version is available. I am W7 on my main system and love it. If I had to reformat back to vista if the beta expires I would cry.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
    @Domenico, All the driver's on my system are current 64 bit drivers from every manufacturer including Microsoft. The explorer does hang in several places. I've notice sometimes the all programs menu can hang and slow down. I've especially noticed it specifically in the games folder in the all programs menu. Internet Explorer 8 frequently hangs and crashes. It does need a lot of work. I also disagree with you about past systems. Many of these systems are still very relevant and can be upgraded to run Windows 7 decently. My brother's an IT certified professional and is currently running Windows 7 on a XP machine using 2003 hardware. It runs just fine and proves we can keep these machines running for one more era and dump support in the next version of Windows. Back in 2003, I saw running Windows 3.11 machines, so with good care and support, its possible to keep legacy machines running. In General: I must say that I'm not happy with the multi-sku's. I think there are way too many. Yes, I am aware the U.S. retail versions will be Home Premium, Professional, and an Ultimate Upgrade. However, from many reports I've read, NOBODY likes the Starter Edition in 3rd world contries. Its highly unpopular. Who wants an edition limited to launching 3 programs at a time? Thats a horrible decision making. I'd highly recommend to Microsoft to elimate Starter Edition. Go with Home Basic for emerging markets and netbooks. I'd also recommend that Microsoft eliminate the Enterprise Version and have Professional with volume licencing. Ultimate should be in the stores and available. I also believe Microsoft shouldn't limit advanced full back up in Home Premium. Home users need to back up and frequently they don't. This is a habit that needs to be instilled in home users. Taking Domain Join and EFS, is something I could see home users using if they were educated on it. Also limiting BitLocker, Applocker, & MUI language packs in Professional could be a mistake. In my household, Spanish and English are common. It is nice to be able to translate between languages. I'd also recommend Microsoft follow suit with 2 licences like One Care Live and Office Home And Student edition. Every one I know has a desktop and a notebook. It would help families struggling in the current economic crisis.

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
    @hitman721 I agree with you regarding Internet Explorer 8, but RC is different even if not still love the Tab speed :( i send my feedback IE8 Team. Regarding SKU, Microsoft has done a good job although I'd like to unify Ultimate with Professional and I'd like to know the price considering that I have to buy 3 licenses

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
    Microsoft should drop Pro edition and replace it with ultimate edition. Why pay more for features like BitLocker, boot from VHD etc and then upgrade just to use those features? It's gonna be a night mare for consumers. By default those great features will only be available in enterprise edition (VL). Mistake!!

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
    @Asesh Microsoft has  time to reflect :)

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
    @Domenico: I hope they do realize and drop Pro edition and replace it with ultimate edition because we don't wanna go through the hassle of paying more money and then upgrading!!

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
    Could not install Windows 7 Beta, the install was abnormally slow, it took hours, as others have reported, please fix this before release! My computer is a Core i7 965 with 6GBs of Ram and 2.15TBs of storage.

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2009
    Why is there even more than one edition of Windows 7? No other operating system comes in such a bizarre bevvy of different versions. People say one for consumers and one for professionals should be the limit, but why even that? There is absolutely no reason other than the greed of the Microsoft bean counters for this move. If you don't need certain features in your day to day use of an operating system, then just don't use them. Once again MS could have shown they can move with the times and provide a serious challenge to the upcoming MacOSX and Linux variants, but instead decided to take the short-term vision and grab as much cash whilst they still can. I am yet to meet anyone who genuinely thinks it's a good idea to have multiple versions of the same operating system, and i have a sneaking suspicion that no-one on the actual Windows engineering team wants them either. We got by just fine for years right up until XP appeared in 2 pointless versions.

  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2009
    @thecolonel "We got by just fine for years right up until XP appeared in 2 pointless versions." That's because the consumer and business versions of Windows used separate kernels before Win XP. Consumers uses the Win 9x series and businesses used the Win NT series. Win XP was when Microsoft moved to a common kernel.

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2009
    @SamYeager So if windows now uses a common kernel that's even less reason to release more than one version

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2009
    "So if windows now uses a common kernel that's even less reason to release more than one version" Groan... So you want to buy the equivalent of Windows 7 Ultimate and have all the features but pay Windows 7 Home Premium prices because you do not need all those 'business' features?

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2009
    did you even read my original post? yes i do want to have all the features. why on earth is that unreasonable? every other desktop OS comes in one version, as did windows before the marketeers got greedy. until anyone gives me a decent reason why this shouldn't be the case with windows now then why should i think otherwise? if microsoft want me to buy and use their operating system over an alternative then they can start by not making me feel like i'm being fleeced before i even install it.

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2009
    There should be either one (similar to ultimate) or two editions (home and pro) of Windows 7.

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2009
    So I've been using Windows 7 for a while now and seems to be running quite smoothly. However, the last few days I've been using the Windows Explorer more to navigate, zip, and unzip files.

  1. As for ziping and unziping, it TAKES A LONG TIME and I have a 10k rpm drive, quad core cpu 8 gb ram. It is faster to do it on a 6 year old computer with XP to zip and extract files. This better be fixed in the RC as it is quite annoying and a waste of MY TIME as a developer. Some days I feel like I have aged 10 years waiting for a 30 mb file to unzip.
  2. Windows Explorer NEEDS, MUST HAVE, ESSENTIALLY REQUIRE, the "Up" button to navigate to the parent directory. I like the breadcrumbs and I use it, however when I get to some directories it doesn't show the parent directory and I have to click the "<<" and then choose the parent directory. MS YOU JUST ADDED AN EXTRA CLICK! Yes you can use the [Alt] + [Up] button but that takes my hand off of the mouse! Whoever thought this was efficent was a numb-skull. I'm a little irritated still about this. So sorry if this is strong. I probably wasted several hours yesterday of my time on these two issues.
  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2009
    I have read that Windows 7 will have 5 editions.  Being someone that supports PCs for a living for a SaaS ASP having so many editions causes confusion for many users and allows for hardware vendors to use the lowest edition of the OS on decent spec hardware so they can lower the price but then the user does not have all of the functionality / features they need or want (in some cases) on that PC. How come there can't be ONLY one edition of the Windows OS for a PC and one for a Server that has everything in it? That way if a user wants the extra functionality / features it is there and they will access it.  If they don't it won't really take up much disk space at all and won't hurt anything.  They won't even know that it is there.  There could be one fair price for Windows and you would be good to go. Is it a money thing - the hardware vendors want options for an economic route as they have with CPU chips so they can sell a not so up-to-date computer for a real low price?  Is there really much money being made to justify the splitting up of the feature sets into different versions? It would just be so much simpler to have 1 version for the user at a decent price and one version for the server at a decent price. Thanks for your time!  From what I have read and seen Windows 7 looks to be a great OS!!!! nice improvements!!!! - Nice Job!!!!

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2009
    I am a "just the facts" kinda' guy and from that, would like to solely request that "details view" be at least restored to the integrity it was with XP, and optimally, improved.  That is to say, restore "details view" to where changes to the folder columns are remembered.   If you want to add something to the OS, skip the fuzzy buttons, 3-D folder icons, and moving all the controls around to where I can't find them.  Instead, give me some type of way to create templates to apply to my various folders of different file types, then ensure the settings are remembered until the day I decide to change them.  Also, let me change the template and have that template change applied to each folder that used that template. I don't really care about any of the other changes and in fact I despise changes that are made just to make things look new to justify a sale's price, when in reality there is no provable reason for doing it. I keep hoping with every iteration of a Vista fix that I get my "details view" restored to what I have enjoyed in XP.  I, like others would pay almost any price to ditch Vista but my Toshiba laptop support refuses to supply XP drivers (only machine of 8 home computers where I have been forced to move to Vista).

  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2009
    I really <em>really</em> like Windows Neptune.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2009
    Well first of all many thanks and congratulations to windows 7 Team! :) but my wondering is why windows 7 dont have still UI mainly change, I mean in vista development theres so much changes every build i guess so. I'm not saying that Windows 7 current UI are ugly but i hope your understand what im pointing, windows 7 right now is really look like vista? with some other changes, I really hope You could bring back the Windows Codenamed "LONGHORN" User interface to us Thanks! :)

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2009
    I'm looking forward with great anticipation for the RC download. I am currently running beta build 7000 for my Home Media Center and apart from an initial slow media library build I have been very impressed so much so my Vista boot hasn't been used once since my win7 install. congratulations to the win7 team for such a great product.

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2009
    Can't wait for windows 7 lets hope its better than vista and at least its got an xp emulation mode so if all else fails at least we can run our xp software

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2009
    If they don't it won't really take up much disk space at all and won't hurt anything.  They won't even know that it is there.  There could be one fair price for Windows and you would be good to go.

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2009
    This better be fixed in the RC as it is quite annoying and a waste of MY TIME as a developer. Some days I feel like I have aged 10 years waiting for a 30 mb file to unzip.

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2009
    I mean in vista development theres so much changes every build i guess so. I'm not saying that Windows 7 current UI are ugly but i hope your understand what im pointing, windows 7 right now is really look like vista? with some other changes, I really hope You could bring back the Windows Codenamed "LONGHORN" User interface to us Thanks! :)

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2009
    Being someone that supports PCs for a living for a SaaS ASP having so many editions causes confusion for many users and allows for hardware vendors to use the lowest edition of the OS on decent spec hardware so they can lower the price but then the user does not have all of the functionality / features they need or want (in some cases) on that PC.

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2009
    Why pay more for features like BitLocker, boot from VHD etc and then upgrade just to use those features? It's gonna be a night mare for consumers. By default those great features will only be available in enterprise edition (VL). Mistake!!

  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2009
    Greatly written indeed. I really enjoyed your article and found it to be very informative, keep up the good work... Windows 7  is a really good operating system that eliminates the performance issues Vista had and is getting great reviews. You should definitely get it.

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2009
    As for performance, I think Microsoft is going to surprise people. And if you're working for an enterprise that hasn't upgraded to Vista because it won't run acceptably on your existing PCs, you'll want to look again at Windows 7

  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2009
    I love the new windows 7 its so cool and easy too. Loved to work with it.

  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2009
    Microsoft is still the undisputed king when it comes to operating systems. MS Windows Series managed to won the hearts of billions around the world. This success is due to the untiring efforts of the Microsoft team. Well Done guys. Keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2009
    What I don't understand is why it's called Windows 7. Either: NT = 4 2000 = 5 XP = 6 Vista = 7 so why its called windows 7 .

  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2009
    I'm glad there are so many beta testers willing to do the work for us all

  • Anonymous
    November 08, 2009
    Can't wait for windows 7 lets hope its better and faster than vista and at least its got an xp emulation mode so if all else fails at least we can run our xp software

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2010
    Wow! Thanks for the great informative post. I think the above article is informative for all concerned people. For me the Informations are really really useful. I've Bookmarked this page for future reference. Thank you Robin Jokes

  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2010
    Great information . I think it sounds like they will resort to reconciliation, so we need all the information we can get.

  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2010
    Great method been using this..I will hang around here more often and help you out with that..Nice!

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2010
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  • Anonymous
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  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2010
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  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2010
    Wow! Thanks for the great informative post.

  • Anonymous
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  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2010
    I am using Windows 7 on my HP laptop and i am loving it. Great product, Once again thumbs up guys.

  • Anonymous
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