Multithreaded Testing...

On multiple occasions, I've found myself in need of a design pattern to allow a single thread to do some work, while other threads block. I'm not getting into the details about how this environment comes about, or what I'm exactly doing , but let me define the problem space:


  1. I've got a method that gets repeatedly executed by 20 threads concurrently.  Let's call it, "IterationRun".
  2. Within this method, I want a single thread to execute another method (it's a void method, so it can be used as an Action.) 
  3. While the above "DoWork" method is executing, I want all other threads to block, so they don't exit IterationRun, thus entering it again.

The following design seems to do a good job of satisfying the above criteria. I'm open to critique, by the way. Also, this is half pseudo-code. The driver that executes IterationRun, sets up threads, and such is left out. Have a look at the DoWorkOnASingleThread method.


namespace PseudoishCode


    using System;

    using System.Threading;


    public class PseudoishCodeExample


        // Counter used to identify individual threads

        private static int threadCount = 0;


        private static ManualResetEvent preWorkBlock;

        private static ManualResetEvent postWorkBlock;

        private static int runningIterationCount = 0;

        private static object thisLock = new object();


        // Total threads that will be executing

        private int threads = 10;


        private int threadId = 0;


        // Set up done once per process - multiple threads not yet created.

        public void ProcessSetup()


            preWorkBlock = new ManualResetEvent(true);

            postWorkBlock = new ManualResetEvent(false);


            // Insert other code here that should get executed before ThreadSetup and IterationRun

            // . . .



        // This method is called by each thread. After all threads call this, they start executing IterationRun

        public void ThreadSetup()


            this.threadId = Interlocked.Increment(ref threadCount);



   public void IterationRun()


            // Insert code here that all threads should execute.

            // . . .


            this.DoWorkOnASingleThread(new Action(this.DoWork));


            // Insert code here that all threads should execute.

            // . . .



        private void DoWork()


            // Do something here



        // Takes care of all synchronization necessary to make sure a single thread does the action while blocking all other threads.

        private void DoWorkOnASingleThread(Action work)



            lock (thisLock)


                if (++runningIterationCount == this.threads)


                    runningIterationCount = 0;


                    // Single thread can take action here.










            lock (thisLock)


                if (++runningIterationCount == this.threads)


                    runningIterationCount = 0;










Note - Keep in mind, this pattern is intended for use in a stress testing environment. I don't really see much use for it outside of that, but if you know of a production scenario where this is useful, I'd be interested to hear about it!