Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) Implementation Hints and Security Nerd Commentary (including mini threat model)

I did a guest post over on the Ask PFE Platforms blog about the Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) this week. You can check it out here :


-Jessica @jepayneMSFT


  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2016
    Welcome to the interwebs! It's something when you check your inbox and see a popular RT with a familiar name :) congrats on the job.
  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2016
    Hi Jessica,

    Is the Hardened Domain Administration server/desktop Technet article publicly available yet?

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2016
    Assuming you meant the Privileged Admin Workstation guidance, it is live now!

    https://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/library/mt634654.aspx <--Admin Workstation Guidance
    https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Privileged-Access-53a4673a <---Admin Workstation Scripts

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2016
    Excellent, thanks Jessica..