Jeremy Kuhne's Blog

Thoughts from a developer on .NET. Coding tidbits (Managed C++, C#, interoping with unmanaged code) and just general things related to .NET, Windows, etc..

Custom directory enumeration in .NET Core 2.1

As discussed in my previous post, this post will cover the new enumeration extensibility points. The...

Date: 03/09/2018

System.IO in .NET Core 2.1 sneak peek

Now that .NET Core 2.1 Preview 1 has released it is time for a preview of what you can expect to see...

Date: 03/08/2018

Wildcards in Windows

I put forth the challenge in my last post about how to match files that start, end, or simply have a...

Date: 06/04/2017

Wildcard challenge

Finding files with spaces from a command prompt might not be immediately obvious. Using quotes is...

Date: 05/31/2017

Creator's Update, .NET 4.7 and long paths

Most notable bit is CMD supports long paths now. You still need to enable the long path policy as it...

Date: 05/31/2017

.NET 4.6.2 and long paths on Windows 10

The Windows 10 Anniversary update is almost out the door. .NET 4.6.2 is in the update (as we've...

Date: 07/30/2016

New .NET path handling sneak peek

As mentioned I'm going to do the On .NET show in a couple weeks to talk about path changes in .NET....

Date: 06/09/2016

Using MSBuild properties in T4 templates

The Problem Text Templates in VS are cool, but they have some rough edges. One in particular is...

Date: 06/07/2016

VS Background Builds

Two MSBuild related things that I keep losing track of every few years that are incredibly hard to...

Date: 06/06/2016

Long paths in .NET

The answer is yes, we have done work to support long paths in Windows. As Windows unblocks MAX_PATH...

Date: 06/02/2016

DOS to NT: A Path's Journey

Overview Most of us are familiar with DOS style paths to files such as C:\bar\foo.txt. Most aren't...

Date: 05/02/2016

Path Normalization

Here is part two of my discussion on Windows paths- the normalization of paths. See the first post...

Date: 04/21/2016

Path Format Overview

As promised, here is the start of the look into paths on Windows. I'll keep things simple at first...

Date: 04/21/2016

Breaking the silence

It has been about 8 years since I posted last. I didn't have a lot to say that was of general...

Date: 04/19/2016

Creating a SSCLI C# Template for Visual Studio

In my last post (MSBuild your SSCLI C# projects) I demonstrated how to create an MSBuild targets...

Date: 02/23/2008

MSBuild your SSCLI C# projects

[ Edit 22 Feb 2008: The complete SSCLI.CSharp.targets file can be found here. ] In my last post I...

Date: 02/20/2008

SSCLI 2.0 and Visual Studio 2008

The currently available SSCLI 2.0 (Rotor) does not build successfully with Visual Studio 2008. I've...

Date: 02/19/2008

Tools for Digging Deeper Into .NET

As I’ve been preparing more things to talk about I realized that it would be beneficial to have a...

Date: 02/17/2008

Where I've Been

It has been a long time since I've posted here. For the past couple years I've been moving around...

Date: 02/17/2008

Using /clr and __declspec(thread)

Sorry I haven't been writing much lately, but a lot has been going on in Expression land. I've...

Date: 04/18/2006

Enabling Remote Desktop remotely

Ran into a situation where I needed to get remote desktop access to a machine where I hadn't...

Date: 04/13/2006

Interop with Office

Before I dive in, I've put together a simple doc showing how you can liven up the clip art in Office...

Date: 01/24/2006

New versions of Expression Graphic Designer and Interactive Designer available!

Our January 2006 CTPs are available!

Date: 01/24/2006

New version of Acrylic available for download!

I encourage you to take a look. We've done a lot to tighten things up since the last release. We're...

Date: 10/16/2005

Expression on Channel9

A nice video that will give you a bit of what's going on with Expression....

Date: 09/14/2005

How suite it is: Expression! It's a great relief to finally have this out in the open....

Date: 09/14/2005

Looking at double buffering and the new BufferedGraphics classes

I started spending some time looking at double buffering with Windows Forms a little while back and...

Date: 09/08/2005

Setting up C++ Interop (with Win32) in VS 2005.

I've already given the steps necessary to make this happen in an earlier post, but as this will come...

Date: 09/07/2005

New Version of Acrylic Available!

I'm happy to report that the August 2005 Community Technology Preview is live on...

Date: 08/15/2005

A tool for inlining IL in C#/VB. (Essentially.)

Date: 07/25/2005

Generic Collections IV

Back again, and as promised... Subclassing Generic Collections The framework provides three basic...

Date: 07/24/2005

Generic Collections III

So far I've gone over the basics of generic collections and moved on to looking at List<T> and...

Date: 07/23/2005

Generic Collections II

In yesterday's post I went over the very basics of generic collections in the 2.0 .Net framework....

Date: 07/22/2005

Generic Collections I

In one of my first posts I briefly mentioned that I would discuss a bit about what I've learned...

Date: 07/22/2005

A little more on bytes and endianness (byte order)

In my last post I talked about converting structs into byte arrays and vice versa. There are a...

Date: 07/21/2005

Byte of a struct and onto endian concerns

[Updated: added performance data. 7/19] I haven't written for a while, but it hasn't been for lack...

Date: 07/19/2005

C# or C++?

I just read C++ vs. C# and thought it might be worthwhile to throw up a few thoughts. I've been...

Date: 06/12/2005

P/Invoke? No way! (Pt. 2)

[7/20/05: Additional comment added for Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate()] There are some...

Date: 06/12/2005

Acrylic Automation: Crossing the Barrier

Ok, so I really was chomping at the bit to blog. Now that we've gone beta I can get a lot of things...

Date: 06/11/2005

VS 2005 Managed C++ Syntax Pt. 1

I had very little experience in C++ when I sat down and tried my hand at using Managed C++ in...

Date: 06/10/2005

Automating Acrylic

Here's the first of many posts to come out of what I've learned and experienced attempting to...

Date: 06/09/2005

Acrylic has gone live!

[updated 1/31/06 to use new blog photo gallery] Greetings from within Microsoft! I'm excited to let...

Date: 06/09/2005