ODC rocked the house!

The Office Developer Conference finished on Wednesday and it was unbelievable! Jay Paulus, Director of the Office Platform Strategy team kicked it off to a great start.

Jay at ODC

Following that, Bill Gates talked saying: "Making Office into a platform is very important to us...Office will be taking on a very ambitious agenda in the future...Our investment in the Office platform today is greater than it's ever been." I think that was proven by some pretty great platform demos, especially this one by FedEx. He talked quite a bit about S+S as well. My team was lucky enough to meet Bill Gates, shake his hand and get our picture taken with him! Check it out: I'm the one right beside him in the glasses:

Kurt DelBene, Senior Corporate Vice President of the Office Business Platform Group, was next and talked about how SharePoint is the glue which ties people, processes and data together, what that means to developers with the investments in the platform, tooling with Visual Studio 2008 and SharePoint Designer as well as new resources for developers and architects. He announced the BizTalk Adapter Pack RTM, VS extensions for WSS v 1.1. There were also some great demos of OBAs, VS 2008 with VSTO and CRM Live.

There were also a great line-up of sessions including the "un-conference" where people could suggest anything they wanted to hear about, create their own sessions. Topics included things like "How to handle paper documents in SharePoint", "Using OBA for automating ISO 9000 document approval process", and "Designing a SharePoint Intranet - Developing the Information Architecture".

Needless to say, it was awesome.


  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    PingBack from http://crm.discoveryjournal.info/2008/02/15/odc-rocked-the-house/

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Hi! Thanks for the great SER301 session! Any slides/recordings/examples?

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    It was a cool event. I really learn a lot and also guest what i was the Using OBA for automating ISO 9000 document approval process speaker and win the sencond place. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2008
    re: How to handle paper documents in SharePoint We have been looking at this question for two years :) The result is the Dark Blue Duck Scanning Enabler™. Legal professionals, health professionals, public servants and others are benefiting from the combination of Microsoft’s SharePoint products and Dark Blue Duck’s Scanning Enabler™. Large organizations are using the Scanning Enabler™ with MOSS to extend their Enterprise Content Management and search capabilities. Small companies are using the Scanning Enabler™ to address challenges they face when swamped by incoming paperwork (especially when the business is geographically distributed). Detail available from here: http://www.darkblueduck.com/Products/ScanningEnablerWSS.aspx Let us know if you want to know more... Kind regards Dark Blue Duck