BUILD: Use what you know. Do what you’ve always imagined!

//BUILD windows / September 13 to 16 2011 / Anaheim, California / And all around the world

BUILD is a new event that shows modern hardware and software developers how to take advantage of the future of Windows. Learn how to work with the all new touch-centric user experience to create fast, fluid, and dynamic applications that leverage the power and flexibility of the core of Windows, used by more than a billion people around the world.

in1995-220x250_thumbLearn during BUILD:

  • How the UI was designed to work seamlessly with a diversity of devices and form factors.
  • How to create powerful new apps while retaining the ability to use your existing apps.
  • How web-connected and web-powered apps are built using HTML5 and JavaScript
  • How the full power of hardware-accelerated Internet Explorer 10 transforms your experiences.

BUILD is the first place to dive deep into the future of Windows.

If you are a contemporary developer, who thrives on the newest and coolest, who loves the freedom of the web and the power of all devices from mobile to desktop, you need to join us to help BUILD the future. Our approach means no compromises—you get to use whatever kind of device you prefer to run the apps you love.

Do not miss the event of the year:

With TechEd Europe being held in summer 2012 and no local Belgian REMIX event foreseen in September, BUILD is the key event to attend this fall hence:

  1. Register early SAVE $500 through discounted registration and book affordable flights.
  2. Save the date in your calendar – 13 September 2011 to watch the keynote live or join us for a local live stream event in Belgium (details to follow soon).
  3. Join our Belgium and Luxembourg events in October 2011: BUILD Belgium, BUILD Luxembourg and BUILD MIC are planned (details to follow soon).

Stay tuned for more to come. In the meantime, make sure you don’t miss the biggest event of the year.

In 1995, Windows changed the PC. BUILD will show you that Windows 8 changes everything.


  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2011
    Any news on the content of BUILD? Will it be all Win8, or a good amount of good-old-stuff like Silverlight/Azure/EntityFW/.NET etc?