Public preview of the Logic Apps Enteprise Integration Pack

We are excited to announce the public preview of the Enterprise Integration Pack for Logic Apps today. With this release we are adding new B2B and XML capabilities to Logic Apps that dramatically improve our current capabilities and are much easier to use than before.

A huge thank you to everyone who has provided feedback so far - your input has really helped us shape the new features we're releasing today.

The Integration Account

Underpinning these improvements is the new Integration Account, a container that stores the various artifacts you need for more complex business process workloads such as trading partner agreements, schemas for XML validation and maps for transformation. By acting as a central container for Logic Apps you can now associate one or more Logic Apps to an Integration Account to consume the resources from it, quickly and easily. The Integration Account currently provides for the following artifact types:

  • XSLT-based maps
  • XML schemas
  • Trading Partners
  • Trading Partner Agreements
  • Certificates

Not only this but with certificates we integrate with KeyVault to keep your private certs secure when using certificates for signing and encryption with trading partners.

New Business To Business (B2B) Features

Today, we are providing AS2 and X12 EDI standards support with EDIFACT coming very shortly. By enabling both encode and decode for these standards you are able to receive or send EDI documents from Logic Apps.

  • AS2 Encode and Decode
  • X12 Encode and Decode

New XML Processing Features

  • XML Validation
  • XSLT Transformation
  • Flat file decode and encode to/from XML

In addition to language features such as xpath() you can now use our new XML processing actions to easily work with flatfile formats, transformation of documents using the industry standard XSLT (including BizTalk built-in Functoids support) and incorporate XML document validation into your Logic Apps control flow.

We're also releasing the Logic Apps enterprise integration tools for Visual Studio 2015 that provides a schema editor, flatfile schema generator and XSLT mapper to easily create Integration Account artifacts from Visual Studio. You can download this here.

Together all these capabilities enable customers to create true end to end automated business processes that scale with the cloud connecting you to your business partners quicker than ever on Logic Apps. Right now, documentation is being staged to so if you're itching to try out our new features immediately please click here to access the docs and understand how all the new capabilities work.

There is much more to talk about than we can cover here so join us for a webcast tomorrow at 11AM PST where we'll be demonstrating these new features, explaining how everything works and how you can get started.


  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2016
    Exciting News
  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2016
    Hi, what are the size limits for the input for the XML Validation and the XSLT Transformation?I've been using the older mechanism (Biztalk Validator API App and Transform API App) but receive errors on larger message sizes. ("The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.") What is the limits for the API Apps?Thanks
  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2017
    In BizTalk, there was "EDIFACT Fallback Settings" when BizTalk has not determined the agreement. Fallback Settings were not supported ever in Azure BizTalk Services. Will be supported in "Enterprise Integration Pack" and LogicApp?
    • Anonymous
      November 08, 2017
      Hi Felix, this is on our backlog - see here to add your votes!