Vous souhaitez tout savoir sur le licencing VECD et RDS ?
un seul lien : https://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/licensing-terminal.aspx
Et vous y trouverez également une FAQ qui reprend des questions que l’on me pose énormément, comme celles ci :
Yes. An RDS CAL is required irrespective of the technology used to directly or indirectly interact with the graphical user interface. This includes (but is not limited to) the use of Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services or other third-party software that enables multiuser scenarios on Windows Server.
Note: Windows Client operating system license terms do not permit multiple users to access or otherwise use one licensed copy of the software simultaneously. For more information on this topic see the Licensing Windows Client Operating Systems in Multiuser Scenarios document at: https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/d/4/3d42bdc2-6725-4b29-b75a-a5b04179958b/windows_multi_user.docx
Yes, an RDS CAL is required for the use of any functionality included in the Remote Desktop Services role in Windows Server. For example, if you are using an RD Gateway server and/or RD Web Access to provide access to a Windows-based client computer, both an RDS CAL and a Windows Server CAL are required.
Complete and correct licensing of a Microsoft VDI environment requires licensing of both the Windows client operating system running in a centralized location (VECD), and of the infrastructure and management components that enable an end-to-end VDI environment. The VDI Suites offer a complete value package for an optimum VDI experience.