I'm Using Windows Live Writer Too
Yup, I was a big BlogJet fan, until I started using Windows Live Writer a few weeks ago. Honestly, I was disappointed with the version cycle time of BlogJet, no new version in quite awhile. Windows Live Write feels like a real v1 product to me, but I'll admit it is a good one.
Download Windows Live Writer Beta
Some others using Windows Live Writer...
Screen Shot...
My Comments
I need to pass these on to the feature team...
- Bugs
- When inserting a .png image with a transparent background (a very common action), the background gets turned into a light blue color (and does not show up as transparent).
- MetaWeblog doesn't pull up the specific post website after posting
- When editing an existing post with existing images, then posting back, the images are lost
- Inserting an image should show more picture formats (like .png, not just .jpg & .gif)
- Scrolling wheel on the mouse does not function in "Web Layout"
- When moving between "Web Layout" and "Code" view, the cursor location gets reset. This is very painful when there is a lot of HTML code and you use the web layout to find what HTML you need to tweak.
- Shouldn't there be a scoll bar on the side of "Web Layout" for scrolling the post?
- The context-menu key (that does the same as a right-click) appears in the topleft corner of the "Web Ladyout" view instead of at the cursor location.
- Suggestions
- "Show Post after Posting" should open a new browser window instead of recycling an existing window (or at least provide the option)
- Allow saving/load of posts to files on the physical disk for writing posts offline.
- Add "Add Hyperlink" to the context menu, as with MS Word
- Startup time is slow/long! Please speed it up.
- It should remember the last picture/image directory used and default back there across sessions (instead of resetting to the My Photos directory)
- Have a "Formatting Styles" selection, like MS Word, to save/use font formatting
Just the "Header x" selection doesn't cut it because not all formatting styles are headers AND they don't translate well between aggregated views and the web
- Advantages over BlogJet
- Has an SDK for extensibility (a BIG + in my book)
- Nicer UI, lots of little UI improvements, like the task bar with recent posts
- Pulls the CSS of your blog
- Picture effects
- VERY easy to set up your blog account
- Spell checker is in US English, vs UK English
- Advantages of BlogJet
- Forums for reporting bugs & suggestions
- Very fast startup time
- Allows saving drafts to local files
August 21, 2006
Update: On 8/14 Windows Live Writer became LifeHacker.com's "Download of the Day"
November 08, 2006
When copy/pasting from MS Word, the HTML it generates is really messy and can't be used verbatim. ThisAnonymous
December 29, 2006
These are my top 10 favorite tools. Seams having a top 10 list is popular these days, so here are mine.Anonymous
June 05, 2007
Windows live writer is blogjet, just the stolen version. Try codeing a program like blog jet by your self and see how long it takes.