A Concept to Market Seminar for CTOs and CEOs

Concept to Market are running a seminar on successful technology development that will be of interest to New Zealand ISVs:

Many companies are building and marketing technology products, some quite successfully others less so. The overall business value added by technology development is less than it could be; often dramatically less. Why is this and what can we do about it?

Successful technology development is, among other things, a complex game of balancing the interests of the different groups of people. Typically this includes:clip_image001

  1. Showing the CEO or division manager that the project aligns with the overall business strategy.
  2. Providing the finance department with concrete forecasts and budgets for a project that is probably a very fluid undertaking with many unknowns.
  3. Making sure the product being built aligns with the marketing department’s idea of how it is positioned in the market, and with the message the sales team is giving to customers.
  4. Ensuring that the product provides clear value to the customer, and also that it meets the needs of the end users (often not the same person as the customer).
  5. Finally, of course, ensuring that the development team itself is engaged and producing the goods.

With all these parties pulling in different directions, the result can be either positive creative conflict or (too often) confusion and lack of direction.

Seminar Content

This seminar will help your technology development to succeed by:

  1. Understanding these (often conflicting) business drivers,
  2. Describing the problems that can arise if they are not taken into account early in the development process.
  3. Presenting a set of tools that will help you to construct a solid technology strategy that integrates the different drivers.
  4. Showing how this technology strategy can be used to help provide each of the parties with the information they need.
About the Speaker

Stephen Fenwick is a Technology Development Specialist with Concept to Market, and is passionate about ways to increase the value that the world of “technology” can add to the world of “business”. He has a strong commercial technology background, and  holds a PhD in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Commerce.
Stephen has recently worked as Engineering Manager at Navman NZ, where he was responsible for the core navigation functionality of Navman’s land navigation products.  Past positions have included Software Development Manager at Sysmex NZ, Team Leader and Software Engineer at Intel NZ and Software Engineer at ECONZ.


Wednesday 24 October, 2007


5:15 pm  Registration

5:30 pm  Seminar

6:30 pm  Questions, Networking and Drinks


AUT Tech Park,
Level 4,
James Fletcher House,
581 Gt. South Road,


$25 payable by Direct Credit or Cheque in advance.


RSVP by email to admin@concepttomarket.co.nz by 19 October, including the name of your company, the name of the  person(s) attending, and your contact telephone number.

Hosted By


Printable flyer:



Stop Wasting Time on Technology Development.pdf
