Pradeep Anchan's Blog

Today is the first day of the rest of my life......

SharePoint Upgrade failed with following error. "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding"

I have come across this scenario several times while troubleshooting the cases where Upgrade process...

Date: 09/08/2009

Build to Build (B2B) Upgrade of the SharePoint environment – Part 2

In this post, we will discuss few troubleshooting techniques when the upgrade fails to complete. The...

Date: 09/01/2009

Build to Build (B2B) Upgrade of the SharePoint environment – Part 1

Applying Hot fixes, Cumulative updates (CU) or Service Packs (SP) for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 and then...

Date: 08/19/2009

Kick start - My web blog

Thank you for visiting my Blog! Although my blog was opened a couple of years ago, wasn't very...

Date: 08/18/2009

The SSL is not working on the IIS 5.0 web server. We are not able to browse using https. SSLDiag tool shows "#WARNING:Failed to read schannel data" and "#WARNING: AcquireCredentialsHandle failed with error -2146893051(0x80090305)"

ENVIRONMENT:==============Windows 2000 Server SP4, IIS 5.0 We are unable to browse the site if we...

Date: 08/16/2007

AJAX 1.0: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: '0.cells' is null or not an object" error in AJAX enabled ASP.NET page.

CAUSE:- The DIV contained an UpdatePanel with the id “MultiView”. Inside the ContentTemplate of the...

Date: 08/16/2007

The operation has timed out. System.Net.WebResponse GetWebResponse(System.Net.WebRequest) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)

We get the following error when a .NET based Windows Service makes a call to ASP.NET Webservice to...

Date: 08/16/2007

Unable to create and debug ASP.NET web application using Visual Studio 2005 on IIS 7.0

When we try to create ASP.NET web application using Visual Studio 2005 on Windows Vista running IIS...

Date: 02/22/2007

How to retrieve the HTML response within a ASP.NET Page

Here is a simple way to do it. We can implement this by overriding the Render method of the Page...

Date: 02/22/2007

How to retrieve the HTML response generated by ASP.NET pages using HTTP module

Many developers come up with this question: How to retrieve the HTML response generated by ASP.NET...

Date: 02/22/2007

ASP.NET Tab is missing in the IIS MMC in the web server running Windows XP Pro x64 Edition with .NET Framework 2.0 (WOW64)

After installing .NET Framework 2.0 on Windows XP Pro x64 Edition, you don't see the ASP.NET Tab in...

Date: 02/13/2007