SQL 2016 - It Just Runs Faster - BULK INSERT Uses Vector Instructions (SSE/AVX)

SQL Server 2016 enhanced the bulk insert activities (BULK INSERT), leveraging the CPUs vector instructions. The vector based approach allows the bulk data to be processed faster.


For example, when inserting data from a text file the integer conversion leverages SSE instructions when the character length is more than 4 characters and trace flag 4809 is disabled.


Take the value of '12345678' needing to be converted to the integer value 1,2345,678. A common algorithm used to determine the integer value of each position one might loop over the character array subtracting the value of character '0' from each entry so it can be casted to a BYTE value and shifted to accommodate base 10 mathematics.


Using a single vector instruction, all 8 characters (BYTES) can subtract the '0' character value. The pseudocode looks like this:


vASCIIZero = { '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'};
p128Bits = "12345678";


SSE Subtract Instruction(p128Bits, vASCIIZero)


In a single SSE instruction the value is adjusted instead of requiring 8 loops to process the bytes.


'It Just Runs Faster' - SQL Server 2016 takes advantage of CPU vector instructions to improve bulk insert performance.


Suresh Kandoth -Senior SQL Server Escalation Engineer

Bob Dorr - Principal SQL Server Software Engineer


DEMO - It Just Runs Faster: Bulk Insert Character To Integer Conversion


This demonstration shows the use of vector instructions to perform character string to integer conversions during the BULK INSERT command.


In order to demonstrate the vector instruction capabilities, this demonstration is a narrow reproduction focused on a single vector improvement, not the only vector based improvement. The demonstration highlights ~10% performance increase on a very simple data set.


  1. Use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to connect to a SQL Server 2012 or 2014 instance.
  2. Paste the script below in a new query window and execute (ATL+X) the script to populate demonstration data.

use tempdb



create table tblBCP


iVal1 bigint NOT NULL,

iVal2 bigint NOT NULL,

iVal3 bigint NOT NULL,

iVal4 bigint NOT NULL,

iVal5 bigint NOT NULL,

iVal6 bigint NOT NULL,

iVal7 bigint NOT NULL,

iVal8 bigint NOT NULL




set nocount on



insert into tblBCP values (12345678, 98765432, 91827364, 54321678, 1234567812345678, 9876543212345678, 9182736412345678, 5432167812345678)



insert into tblBCP select * from tblBCP

go 20


  1. From a Windows Command prompt export the demonstration data into a text file.

    bcp.exe tempdb..tblBCP out "c:\temp\Ints.bcp" -T -S.\S33 -c -t~

  2. Copy the script below into an SSMS Query Window and execute it, noting the execution outcomes.

create table tblTests


iFlag int NOT NULL,

iMSDuration int NOT NULL



dbcc traceoff(-1, 4809)



dbcc freeproccache



declare @iTraceFlag int = 0

declare @iLoops int = 8


while(@iLoops > 0)


set @iLoops = @iLoops -1

truncate table tblBCP


declare @dtStart datetime = GetUTCDate()




insert into tblTests values (@iTraceFlag, DATEDIFF(ms, @dtStart, GetUTCDate()) )





-- Disable use of SSE

dbcc traceon(-1, 4809)



dbcc freeproccache



declare @iTraceFlag int = 4809

declare @iLoops int = 8


while(@iLoops > 0)


set @iLoops = @iLoops -1

truncate table tblBCP


declare @dtStart datetime = GetUTCDate()




insert into tblTests values (@iTraceFlag, DATEDIFF(ms, @dtStart, GetUTCDate()) )




select (([Avg No SSE] / [AvgSSE]) -1.0) * 100.0 as [PERCENT Faster], [Avg No SSE], [AvgSSE]



select (select avg(iMSDuration) * 1.0 from tblTests where iFlag = 0) as [AvgSSE],

   (select avg(iMSDuration) * 1.0 from tblTests where iFlag = 4809) as [Avg No SSE]

) as a


Actual Scenarios

SQL Server 2016 has been vetted by a wide range of customers. The positive impact of these changes has been realized by:

  • Online retailer can load and respond to competitive price changes faster.
  • Credit Card fraud service improved response times from incoming data feed inception to detection.

Sample Results (~10% faster)


32GB RAM, 4 Core Hyper-threaded enabled 2.8Ghz, SSD Storage

SQL Server

Out of the box, default installation


SSE Enabled


SSE Disabled



  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2016
    Are there any actual performance numbers? How much faster is faster? And what types of data can take advantage of this? Does it only matter for the example you gave?
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2016
    Does the code take advantage of newer versions of SSE (like SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, etc.) that are supported in modern processors?
  • Anonymous
    May 30, 2016
    The title of the article mentions SSE/AVX, can you please elaborate on the circumstances under which AVX instructions will be used instead of SSE, I ask this because the code provided explicitly refers to the use of a trace flag to enable/disable SSE.