256 : Character limit for the FileSystem Path in Window. Is it reasonable to limit the character for a FilePath?
I recently faced a problem when I tried to create a folder, which was more then 256 characters in length. On making some investigation I found that the Windows have limitation on how many characters it can accomodate in the FilePath.
I tried to manually create a folder with more than 256 characters but could not. It will throw "Destination path too long" Error.
I believe OS forces individual programmer not to build in dept folder hierarchies
More details refere to this link : www.codinghorror.com/.../filesystem-paths-how-long-is-too-long.html
March 16, 2012
I had the similar problem and faced it a lot of times. I often solve this type of problems using "Long Path Tool". It helped me in solving this error and all related errors.Anonymous
February 11, 2015
you can use Long Path Tool for easy solution.