Shutdown Is No Time For Spring Cleaning

I think my current performance pet peeve is shutdown.  Assorted flavors of it, they all seem to have the same kind of problem.  Sometimes we're stuck with it... but maybe we shouldn't be?

This is one time when our basic training, which normally I love so much, tends to let us down.  We were all taught to clean up our own messes -- programming wise that means freeing your resources after you are done with them.  But this backfires in the shutdown case.

Many times I watch as I hit the [X] close button on some application and my poor computer starts to swap as the application goes about paging in vast amounts of its code and then dutifully walking all its data structures-- more paging -- and giving them back to the operating system.  My reaction to this in a word:  ACK!!!!

When your application is ordered to shutdown the last thing you should do is enumerate every piece of memory you have ever allocated and systematically give them back to the operating system.  Your program has a death sentence, and soon your resources are going back to the operating system whether you like it or not:  what you must do  is look at the minimum possible amount of memory necessary to get to a nice safe stable state and then exit as quickly as possible.  Abandoning your memory like this gives the operating system the best chance to get your process unloaded while swapping in the least amount of memory and causing the least impact to the systems disk and memory caches. 

In short, shutdown is no time for spring cleaning.

And why all this cleaning anyway?  Many people report that they have all these important resources that need flushing and so forth.  They couldn't possibly get to a safe state without considerable work but usually that in itself is symptomatic of assorted problems.  Any application that has important data to manage almost certainly needs to be tolerant of power-failure and if that's the case when the user makes important edits they likely should be automatically saved to a durable location.  In fact at any given moment, probably only a few seconds worth of data should be at risk.  If your application has been idle for any length of time it should be fully saved -- and even if the user hasn't chosen to save their work it's still effectively saved somewhere so that you could restore in the current "dirty" state.

So if you have to do all this work to be resilient to power failures, then take advantage of that logic to simplify your shutdown paths.  Your users will thank you.


  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2008
    In .NET, without your shutdown event processing code being coupled to ever possible reference type, are you suggesting something like this: static void SystemEvents_SessionEnding(object sender, Microsoft.Win32.SessionEndingEventArgs e) { if (e.Reason == Microsoft.Win32.SessionEndReasons.SystemShutdown) { Environment.FailFast(); } }

  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2008
    I would really really like it if Environment.FailFast(); Was the correct answer for many more applications and services.  If you take your abnormal shutdown responsibilities very seriously then I think it can be.

  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2008
    How do you do this without sacrificing correctness?

  1. not all resources are memory (aka SQL connections, RPC handles, shared memory, sockets, etc)
  2. most leak detection schemes rely on the fact that apps will cleanup their messes, and the set of uncleaned resources corresponds to the set of leaked resources. I can see letting memory get leaked this way, but other things? Seems like a bad idea...
  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2008
    Also, I would argue that if an app has a lot of memory to clean up at well-defined points in time (aka shutdown, recycle, update, etc) that application should use a memory pool instead of malloc/free. That allows the memory to be freed in one operation instead of many small ones.

  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2008
    I think my "favorite" application in this regard is Borland Delphi 2007. When closed, the BDS.exe file stays in memory and uses cpu (and interestingly enough, increases its memory size temporarily) for anywhere between 1 and 2 minutes. Couple that with a fairly unstable IDE which you really just need to close down periodically, and the fact that the program refuses to load if it's already in memory, and you got yourself a party.

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2008
    I agree in general, but in real life, I would only make these optimizations if the spring cleaning became a true performance problem. As a previous commenter pointed out, doing your spring cleaning helps find leaks and other bugs. Another problem I've seen the "die and let the OS reclaim the resources" approach cause are when what was an "application" now becomes a "feature" within a larger application.  Now, to avoid leaks, you have to go back and write all the clean-up code that you elided before. Consider a GUI app, where the main window doesn't do any cleanup on shutdown.  Later, the app is redesigned such that the "main" window is relegated to being an MDI child within another frame.  The fast shutdown scheme is now a liability as you experience leaks every time the now-child window is instantiated and destroyed. That RAII pattern, which is otherwise so useful, makes it very hard to skip clean-up on shutdown.  I'm not sure I'm willing to give up RAII until I enounter a specific situation where my "unnecessary" cleanup is a performance problem.

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2008
    Environment.FailFast() is not a good choice. According to MSDN, "The FailFast method writes a log entry to the Windows Application event log using the message parameter, creates a dump of your application, and then terminates the current process.". As you can see, it cause system to:

  1. write a log entry in event log.
  2. CREATE A DUMP of your application. Creating a dump may spend much time if  your application allocated a lot of memory.
  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2008
    Even failfast doesn't really fail fast.

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2008
    So WM_QUIT == ::ExitApplication(0)?

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2008
    You tell me.

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2008
    IMO the required shutdown semantics depends on the application. For a browser, offline editor, non-critical application, etc., a fail-fast shutdown approach may be appropriate, but a heart monitor, industrial controller, long-running service, etc. all have reliability requirements that argue for absolutely correct resource acquisition/release and shutdown behavior. In the apps I've worked on I usually write as much code for error handling and clean up as I do for feature support. Failure mode analysis is part of our design process.

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 06, 2008
    These are all blog posts I flagged as being particularly interesting, but ones where I may not have anything

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2008
    Lots of great comments on my last posting, I wanted to address the performance concerns especially.