How Could I Miss This? HLS Industry Council
If you're in Farmington, CT on November 5th, I strongly suggest you attend the (first?):
Microsoft Health and Life Sciences Industry Council
Healthcare 2.0 Perspectives & Industry Impact - Blogs, Wikis, podcasts, social networking, mashups, and RSS have become mainstream. Yet, the overall business value and viability of the viral movement is largely unrealized within the Healthcare Industry. This interactive session will showcase current and future state themes, trends, and what Microsoft is doing to help turn vision and potential into reality.
Sorry for the short notice, but I did not see this until today. All the people presenting have a very deep background in Health and development: Allan, Ben, Hong, David...
Now, how come I did not get an invite ;-)
- Anonymous
February 07, 2008
Web 2.0 is great, but not when most of Life Sciences is somewhere between Web .1 and Web .5