MS-HUG TechForum - Microsoft Health Common User Interface (MSCUI)

Andrew Kirby presented on the Microsoft Health Common User Interface (MSCUI), a project born out of the collaboration with the England National Health Service (NHS).

This is something that we have been talking about for a long time, but are now finally to the point where everybody can look at the Design Guidance, the Toolkit for Visual Studio and the .NET Framework and the source code for the controls.

Bill Crounse posted an overview of the project on his HealthBlog.

The best way to experience the tools and understanding what's there is to have a look at the web site and look at the demonstrators that we posted on Monday of this week.

Let us know what you think!


  • Anonymous
    August 27, 2007
    I like the TechForum. It's a good opportunity for me to catch up with friends like John Koisch, Tom Canter,