Pinging a List of Machines in PowerShell
I know what you are thinking, another ping script? Yes, there are thousands of ping tools and scripts out there and every IT administrator has a couple handy that they use on a regular basis. I ended up writing this one because I could not find PowerShell code that met the specific criteria that I needed. I was working with one of my peers on SCCM client health. In large enterprise environments it is an ongoing challenge to ensure that all devices on the network are accounted for and managed. We wrote some PowerShell to query some databases and come up with a list of machines we knew about that were not managed by SCCM. The next question I had was how many were actually on the network.
I wanted my ping code to meet the following criteria.
- Fast, so pings asynchronously
- Reliable, can recover and continue if errors are encountered
- Uses .NET or PS Cmdlets, I don’t want to have to externally launch anything
- Returns nicely formatted data
- Is modular, I want to be able to re-use this code in other scripts easily
The examples I found online had most of these features, but not all. Once I started writing it I thought this might be useful to the community so I added the txt file as an input and csv file as an output as my original code was just a few functions I called. Note, this does require PowerShell 3.0 or higher.
.\Ping.ps1 –InputFilePath c:\temp\names.txt –MaxConcurrent 100 –TimesToPing 4 –TimeoutInSeconds 90 –ResolveNames true
Name | Description |
InputFilePath | Text file with a list of names or IP addresses you want to ping. Each name/IP should be on its own line in the file. |
MaxConcurrent | How many jobs / threads you want to use for pinging. |
TimesToPing | How many times you want to ping each name/IP. |
TimeoutInSeconds | Optional: If some jobs / threads get stuck running, this will ensure that we recover and continue if the timeout is reached. This timeout only applies to Test-Connection (Ping) and the GetHostEntry (DNS) parts of the script. If this is not specified it defaults to 120 seconds. |
ResolveNames | Optional: Set to true if you want to resolve the names using DNS. |
Part 1: This should happen very quickly
Sending Ping Command to 500 Machines… (Uses the Test-Connection Cmdlet with –AsJob)
Getting Ping Results……… (Gets the results from the Cmdlet. The timeout passed in applies to this part of the script. If you see a + here than one of the ping jobs failed and was resubmitted.)
Received Ping Results From 500 Machines
Part 2: This should happen quickly. Note, you can grab more properties from the ping objects in this function if you want. I did notice that getting certain properties cause the function to slow down significantly such as IPv4Address and IPv6Address which are of type System.Net.IPAddress.
Formatting Ping Results…… (Creates an array of objects for the ping results)
Formatted Ping Results for 500 Machines
Part 3: This can take a while
Resolving DNS Names for 500 Machines...*..*…… (GetHostEntry .NET call. The * means MaxConcurrent was hit, which in the case of DNS resolution is hardcoded to 5 since that seemed to work best in my testing.)
Getting DNS Results… (Gets the results of GetHostEntry. The timeout passed is applies to this part of the script. If you see a + here than one of the DNS resolution jobs failed and was resubmitted.)
Received DNS Results From 500 Machines
Formatting DNS Results.. (Adds the DNS information to the array of objects returned from Part 2)
Formatted DNS Results for 500 Machines
Part 4: This should happen quickly, just outputting the results
Total Time Elapsed: 02 Minutes and 36 Seconds
Total Names Pinged: 500
Hosts that Responded: 250
DNS Names Resolved: 350
Percentage of Hosts that Responded at Least Once: 50%
CSV Output Location: C:\temp\PingResults.csv
I tested this on two machines using my home internet connection (Verizon FIOS) against 500 internet addresses. If you don’t resolve DNS names then this script finishes very quickly on a fast machine and even faster if you choose to only do 1 ping instead of the normal 4. You can increase the MaxConcurrent setting to get faster results from the ping but if you start seeing a lot of “+” signs in the output then then the jobs are failing (although we should recover from this). Unfortunately because of limitations in the Test-Connection Cmdlet I have to do the DNS resolution and pings separately and the DNS resolution is the longest part of the script. You can use the Win32_PingStatus class directly to do both at the same time, but I’m not sure which method is faster.
ResolveNames = true, MaxConcurrent=100, TimesToPing=4
HP 8570W (i7/32GB), WS2012, Gigabit Ethernet: Completed in 1 minute, 15 seconds.
Microsoft Surface Pro (i5/4GB), Windows8, Gigabit Ethernet: Completed in 2 minutes, 36 seconds.
ResolveNames = false, MaxConcurrent=100, TimesToPing=4
HP 8570W (i7/32GB), WS2012, Gigabit Ethernet: Completed in 19 seconds.
Microsoft Surface Pro (i5/4GB), Windows8, Gigabit Ethernet: Completed in 33 seconds.
1 Param(
2 [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
3 $InputFilePath,
4 [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
5 $MaxConcurrent,
6 [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
7 $TimesToPing,
8 $TimeoutInSeconds,
9 $ResolveNames
10 )
12 $Start = [System.DateTime]::Now
13 Write-Host "Version 1.0"
14 Write-Host "InputFilePath:"$InputFilePath
15 Write-Host "MaxConcurrent:"$MaxConcurrent
16 Write-Host "TimesToPing:"$TimesToPing
17 Write-Host "TimeoutInSeconds:"$TimeoutInSeconds
18 Write-Host "ResolveNames:"$ResolveNames
20 function GetNamesFromTextFile
21 {
22 param($file)
24 $ht = @{}
26 try
27 {
28 foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($file))
29 {
30 try { $ht.Add($line.ToString().Trim(), $line.ToString().Trim()) } catch {}
31 }
32 }
33 catch
34 {
35 Write-Host "Failed to Read File, Exiting:"$ms -ForegroundColor Red
36 Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
37 exit
38 }
40 return $ht
41 }
43 function GetStatusCodeString
44 {
45 param ($code)
47 switch ($code)
48 {
49 $null {$ret = "Ping Command Failed"}
50 0 {$ret = "Success"}
51 11001 {$ret = "Buffer Too Small"}
52 11002 {$ret = "Destination Net Unreachable"}
53 11003 {$ret = "Destination Host Unreachable"}
54 11004 {$ret = "Destination Protocol Unreachable"}
55 11005 {$ret = "Destination Port Unreachable"}
56 11006 {$ret = "No Resources"}
57 11007 {$ret = "Bad Option"}
58 11008 {$ret = "Hardware Error"}
59 11009 {$ret = "Packet Too Big"}
60 11010 {$ret = "Request Timed Out"}
61 11011 {$ret = "Bad Request"}
62 11012 {$ret = "Bad Route"}
63 11013 {$ret = "TimeToLive Expired Transit"}
64 11014 {$ret = "TimeToLive Expired Reassembly"}
65 11015 {$ret = "Parameter Problem"}
66 11016 {$ret = "Source Quench"}
67 11017 {$ret = "Option Too Big"}
68 11018 {$ret = "Bad Destination"}
69 11032 {$ret = "Negotiating IPSEC"}
70 11050 {$ret = "General Error"}
71 default {$ret = "Ping Failed"}
72 }
74 return $ret
75 }
77 function GetPingResultsFromHashTable
78 {
79 param($ht, $maxConcurrent, $count, $timeout)
81 $bDone = $false
82 $i = 0
83 $totalMachines = 0
84 $htResults = @{}
85 $dotTime = [System.DateTime]::Now
86 if ($timeout -eq $null) {$timeout = 120}
88 Write-Host ("Sending Ping Command to {0} Machines" -f $ht.Count) -NoNewline
90 foreach ($name in $ht.GetEnumerator())
91 {
92 while ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge $maxConcurrent)
93 {
94 Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
95 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "*"; $i = 0 }
96 else { Write-Host "*" -NoNewline; $i++ }
97 }
99 $job = Test-Connection -ComputerName $name.Key.ToString() -Count $count -AsJob
100 $ = "ping:{0}" -f $name.Key.ToString()
102 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
103 {
104 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
105 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "."; $i = 0 }
106 else { Write-Host "." -NoNewline; $i++ }
107 }
108 }
110 #Start time now, exit in case of timeout
111 $timeout = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds($timeout)
112 $dotTime = [System.DateTime]::Now
113 $i = 0
114 Write-Host
115 Write-Host "Getting Ping Results" -NoNewline
117 while(!($bDone))
118 {
119 $results = Get-Job -Name 'ping:*'
120 $bRunning = $false
122 foreach ($result in $results)
123 {
124 if ($result.State -ne 'Running')
125 {
126 if ($result.State -eq 'Failed')
127 {
128 #resubmit job
129 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "+"; $i = 0 }
130 else { Write-Host "+" -NoNewline; $i++ }
131 $job = Test-Connection -ComputerName $result.Name.ToString().Split(":")[1] -Count $count -AsJob
132 $ = "ping:{0}" -f $result.Name.ToString().Split(":")[1]
133 }
134 else
135 {
136 try { $htResults.Add($result.Name.ToString().Split(":")[1], (Receive-Job $result)) } catch {}
137 $totalMachines++
138 }
140 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
141 {
142 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
143 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "."; $i = 0 }
144 else { Write-Host "." -NoNewline; $i++ }
145 }
147 try { Remove-Job $result } catch {}
148 }
149 else
150 {
151 $bRunning = $true
152 }
153 }
155 #Check for timeout condition, clean up all jobs if true
156 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $timeout)
157 {
158 $bDone = $true
159 Write-Host "Timeout reached, removing jobs"
160 $results = Get-Job -Name 'ping:*'
161 foreach ($result in $results)
162 {
163 Write-Host "RemoveJob:"$result.Name
164 try
165 {
166 Stop-Job $result
167 try { Remove-Job $result -Force } catch {}
168 }
169 catch {}
170 }
171 }
173 #If the timeout hasn't been reached and jobs are still running, loop again
174 if (!($bRunning)) { $bDone = $true }
175 }
177 Write-Host
178 Write-Host ("Received Ping Results From {0} Machines" -f $totalMachines)
180 return $htResults
181 }
183 function ResolveNamesFromPingResults
184 {
185 param($array, $maxConcurrent, $resolveNames, $timeout)
187 try { if ($resolveNames -ne $null) { [bool]$resolveNames = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($resolveNames) } } catch {}
189 $htResults = @{}
191 if ($resolveNames)
192 {
193 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
194 if ($timeout -eq $null) {$timeout = 120}
195 $i = 0
196 $scriptBlock =
197 {
198 param($s)
199 try { $ret = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($s) } catch {}
200 return $ret
201 }
202 Write-Host ("Resolving DNS Names for {0} Machines" -f $array.Count) -NoNewline
203 foreach ($name in $array)
204 {
205 while ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge $maxConcurrent)
206 {
207 Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
208 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "*"; $i = 0 }
209 else { Write-Host "*" -NoNewline; $i++ }
210 }
211 $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $name.NameInList
212 $ = "resolve:{0}" -f $name.NameInList
213 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
214 {
215 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
216 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "."; $i = 0 }
217 else { Write-Host "." -NoNewline; $i++ }
218 }
219 }
221 #Start time now, exit in case of timeout
222 $timeout = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds($timeout)
223 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
224 $i = 0
225 $bDone = $false
227 Write-Host
228 Write-Host "Getting DNS Results" -NoNewline
229 while(!($bDone))
230 {
231 $results = Get-Job -Name 'resolve:*'
232 $bRunning = $false
234 foreach ($result in $results)
235 {
236 if ($result.State -ne 'Running')
237 {
238 if ($result.State -eq 'Failed')
239 {
240 #resubmit job
241 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "+"; $i = 0 }
242 else { Write-Host "+" -NoNewline; $i++ }
243 $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $result.Name.ToString().Split(":")[1]
244 $ = "resolve:{0}" -f $result.Name.ToString().Split(":")[1]
245 }
246 else
247 {
248 try { $htResults.Add($result.Name.ToString().Split(":")[1], (Receive-Job $result)) } catch {continue}
249 }
251 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
252 {
253 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
254 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "."; $i = 0 }
255 else { Write-Host "." -NoNewline; $i++ }
256 }
258 try { Remove-Job $result -Force} catch {}
259 }
260 else
261 {
262 $bRunning = $true
263 }
264 }
266 #Check for timeout condition, clean up all jobs if true
267 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $timeout)
268 {
269 $bDone = $true
270 Write-Host "Timeout reached, removing jobs"
271 $results = Get-Job -Name 'resolve:*'
272 foreach ($result in $results)
273 {
274 Write-Host "RemoveJob:"$result.Name
275 try
276 {
277 Stop-Job $result
278 try { Remove-Job $result -Force } catch {}
279 }
280 catch {}
281 }
282 }
284 #If the timeout hasn't been reached and jobs are still running, loop again
285 if (!($bRunning)) { $bDone = $true }
286 }
287 Write-Host
288 Write-Host ("Received DNS Results From {0} Machines" -f $htResults.Count)
289 }
291 return $htResults
292 }
294 function GetFormattedPingResultsFromHashTable
295 {
296 param($ht)
298 $fResults = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
299 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
300 $i = 0
301 Write-Host "Formatting Ping Results" -NoNewLine
303 foreach ($result in $ht.GetEnumerator())
304 {
305 #There are multiple pings here if we ping more than once per computer
306 $originalAddress = $result.Key.ToString()
307 $pingCount = 0
308 $successCount = 0
309 $status = 'Ping Job Failed'
310 $pingedFrom = 'Ping Job Failed'
311 $successPercentage = 0
313 try { $pings = $result.Value.Count } catch { $pings = 0 }
314 if ($pings -gt 0)
315 {
316 $status = GetStatusCodeString -code $result.Value[$pings-1].StatusCode
317 $pingedFrom = $result.Value[$pings-1].PSComputerName
318 }
320 foreach ($ping in $result.Value)
321 {
322 $pingCount++
323 if ($ping.StatusCode -eq 0) { $successCount++ }
324 #If you try to get the IPv4Address or IPv6Address it slows down this loop significantly
325 }
327 #Calculate percentage
328 if ($pingCount -ne 0) { $successPercentage = ($successCount / $pingCount) * 100 }
329 else { $successPercentage = 0 }
331 #Add to array
332 $o = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
333 NameInList = $originalAddress
334 PingedFrom = $pingedFrom
335 SuccessPercentage = $successPercentage
336 LastPingStatus = $status
337 }
339 [void]$fResults.Add($o)
341 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
342 {
343 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
344 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "."; $i = 0 }
345 else { Write-Host "." -NoNewline; $i++ }
346 }
347 }
349 Write-Host
350 Write-Host ("Formatted Ping Results for {0} Machines" -f $fResults.Count)
352 return $fResults
353 }
355 function GetFormattedPingAndDNSResults
356 {
357 param($pingResults, $dnsResults)
359 if ($dnsResults.Count -ne 0)
360 {
361 Write-Host "Formatting DNS Results" -NoNewLine
362 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
363 $i = 0
364 foreach ($ping in $pingResults)
365 {
366 $dns = $dnsResults.Get_Item($ping.NameInList)
367 if ($dns -ne $null)
368 {
369 $bFirst = $true
370 foreach ($ip in $dns.AddressList)
371 {
372 if ($bFirst){ $ipList = $ip }
373 else { $ipList += "|" + $ip }
374 }
376 $fqdn = $dns.HostName
377 }
378 else
379 {
380 $ipList = $null
381 $fqdn = 'No DNS Entry Found'
382 }
384 $ping | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NameFromDNS -value $fqdn -Force
385 $ping | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IPAddressListFromDNS -value $ipList -Force
387 if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
388 {
389 $dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
390 if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host "."; $i = 0 }
391 else { Write-Host "." -NoNewline; $i++ }
392 }
393 }
394 Write-Host
395 Write-Host ("Formatted DNS Results for {0} Machines" -f $pingResults.Count)
396 }
398 return $pingResults
399 }
401 function GetOutputPath
402 {
403 param($fileName, $dir)
404 $outputPath = $dir + "\" + $fileName
405 return $outputPath
406 }
408 function GetTimeSpanStringInMinutesAndSeconds
409 {
410 param($startTime, $endTime)
412 $time = $startTime.Subtract($endTime)
413 $minutes = $time.ToString().Split(":")[1]
414 $seconds = $time.ToString().Split(":")[2].Split(".")[0]
415 $timeSpan = "{0} Minutes and {1} Seconds" -f $minutes, $seconds
416 return $timeSpan
417 }
419 function GetSuccessPingCount
420 {
421 param($results)
423 $successCount = 0
424 foreach ($result in $results)
425 {
426 if ($result.SuccessPercentage -gt 0) { $successCount++ }
427 }
429 return $successCount
430 }
432 function GetDNSNamesResolvedCount
433 {
434 param($results)
436 $namesResolved = 0
437 foreach ($result in $results)
438 {
439 if ($result.IPAddressListFromDNS -ne $null) { $namesResolved++ }
440 }
442 return $namesResolved
443 }
445 function GetPercentageAsString
446 {
447 param($n1, $n2)
449 if ($n1 -ne 0) { $percentage = ($n1 / $n2) * 100 }
450 else { $percentage = 0 }
452 $percentage = ("{0:N0}" -f $percentage) + "%"
454 return $percentage
455 }
457 #Read in Names from text file
458 $Names = GetNamesFromTextFile -file $InputFilePath
460 #Get ping results in a hash table. The key is the name and the value is the returned array of ping objects (one element per ping).
461 $Results = GetPingResultsFromHashTable -ht $Names -maxConcurrent $MaxConcurrent -count $TimesToPing -timeout $TimeoutInSeconds
463 #Format ping results into an array of objects
464 $FormattedPingResults = GetFormattedPingResultsFromHashTable -ht $Results
466 #Resolve DNS Names if specified
467 $DNSResults = ResolveNamesFromPingResults -array $FormattedPingResults -maxConcurrent 5 -resolveNames $ResolveNames -timeout $TimeoutInSeconds
469 #Format DNS results by adding them to the ping results
470 $FormattedPingResults = GetFormattedPingAndDNSResults -pingResults $FormattedPingResults -dnsResults $DNSResults
472 #Output to CSV
473 $OutputPath = GetOutputPath -fileName 'PingResults.csv' -dir ([Environment]::CurrentDirectory=(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath)
474 try { if ($ResolveNames -ne $null) { [bool]$ResolveNames = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ResolveNames) } } catch {}
475 if ($ResolveNames) { $FormattedPingResults | Sort-Object SuccessPercentage | Select-Object NameInList, NameFromDNS, IPAddressListFromDNS, SuccessPercentage, LastPingStatus, PingedFrom | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation }
476 else { $FormattedPingResults | Sort-Object SuccessPercentage | Select-Object NameInList, SuccessPercentage, LastPingStatus, PingedFrom | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation }
478 #Output Statistics
479 $SuccessPingCount = GetSuccessPingCount -results $FormattedPingResults
480 Write-Host "---Statistics---" -ForegroundColor Green
481 Write-Host ("Total Time Elapsed: " + (GetTimeSpanStringInMinutesAndSeconds -startTime $Start -endTime ([System.DateTime]::Now))) -ForegroundColor Green
482 Write-Host "Total Names Pinged:"$FormattedPingResults.Count -ForegroundColor Green
483 Write-Host ("Hosts that Responded: " + ($SuccessPingCount)) -ForegroundColor Green
484 Write-Host ("DNS Names Resolved: " + (GetDNSNamesResolvedCount -results $FormattedPingResults)) -ForegroundColor Green
485 Write-Host ("Percentage of Hosts that Responded at Least Once: " + (GetPercentageAsString -n1 $SuccessPingCount -n2 $FormattedPingResults.Count)) -ForegroundColor Green
486 Write-Host "CSV Output Location:"$OutputPath -ForegroundColor Yellow
September 04, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 04, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 14, 2013
Hi Russ, I'm getting the error below when trying to run the script: "Method invocation failed because [System.IO.File] doesn't contain a method named 'ReadLines'." I have verified the names.txt file exists and the path is correct. Can you shed any light on why I would receive this error?Anonymous
November 14, 2013
Hi Vic, It looks like you don't have .NET 4.0. ReadLines() requires it: This also means you probably don't have PowerShell 3.0, which requires .NET 4.0: RussAnonymous
November 14, 2013
Thank you very much. That did the job. The script really does work nicely.Anonymous
November 14, 2013
Glad to hear that worked, thanks!Anonymous
December 02, 2013
Hi Russ, Thank you so much. Script work like a champ. Is there a way i can add OS into csv output? Any resource would be appriciate..Anonymous
December 02, 2013
Thanks! Yes, you can add OS to the csv output - but you would need to make some modifications to the script. Check out this post of mine: It uses a cmdlet (that does an LDAP query) to get that information. You can integrate this into the ping script or create a new script that uses this same cmdlet and updates the csv with the information you're after.Anonymous
December 05, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 05, 2013
Adam, I fixed the attachment, for some reason this blogging platform sometimes truncates txt files so I changed the extension. I appreciate the heads up and the tweak to make it run on older systems. I used that ReadLines() method in another script because the size of the file it was reading was very large, but in this script it makes more sense to use the ReadAllLines() method because there are only so many machines one would want to ping at once. Thanks!Anonymous
January 10, 2014
Hey, Russ. Nice script you post here. Needed something like this the other day, did a quick search, and stumbled across your post. Thanks for sharing. Save me some time for sure.Anonymous
April 01, 2014
Such a nice script. Beautiful is one word I could think. Elegantly done. I'm a begining with powershell and stumbled across this. Thank you so much for sharing the script.Anonymous
April 01, 2014
Thanks Jonathan and Zafrul, I'm glad it's useful!Anonymous
June 03, 2014
Thanks for this script, I needed to find out of 260 machines which are actually onlineAnonymous
June 05, 2014
Fantastic script, helped me out a ton, thanks a bunch!Anonymous
June 20, 2014
Script works great but throws an error for me Sending Ping Command to 3 Machines.Test-Connection : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ComputerName'. The argument is null or empty. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try the command again. At C:scriptsping_list.ps1:99 char:42
- $job = Test-Connection -ComputerName $name.Key.ToString() -Count $count -AsJ ...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Test-Connection], ParameterBindingValidationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestConnectionCommand Getting Ping Results. Received Ping Results From 2 Machines
June 21, 2014
The comment has been removedAnonymous
August 20, 2014
how to display only online hosts?Anonymous
August 20, 2014
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 15, 2014
A complete script - very well done. ThanksAnonymous
October 22, 2014
Hi Russ, Very useful script and well done. ThanksAnonymous
October 23, 2014
Unexpected token 'param' in expression or statement. At C:usersbrandon.harperDesktopPing1.ps1:1 char:10
- 1 Param <<<< ( + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (param:String) [], ParseException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken I have no idea what im doing.
October 30, 2014
Brandon, can you tell me how you're calling the script (what arguments you're passing into the script)?Anonymous
January 07, 2015
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 07, 2015
David, it works fine for me. If I load the script in PowerShell ISE and start it, I just get prompted for the parameters. Make sure you're downloading the attached file (so no weird characters get pasted from the site).Anonymous
January 07, 2015
Okay Russ, Sorry I figured that out finally. But now I get this error: The script failed due to call depth overflow. The call depth reached 1011 and the maximum is 1010. System.Management.Automation How do I get around this? Thanks, DavidAnonymous
January 07, 2015
I haven't run into that, but it looks like a stack overflow type of message. Try reducing the MaxConcurrent setting.Anonymous
January 07, 2015
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 07, 2015
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 20, 2015
Awesome. Thank you!Anonymous
February 06, 2015
Great work. Thank you!Anonymous
March 20, 2015
Very nice. Not only super useful but educational :)Anonymous
March 23, 2015
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 23, 2015
Hey Steve, I wrote those scripts a really long time ago and they were specific to the SMS 2.0 client (not the advanced client) so I'm afraid they are a bit useless.Anonymous
June 22, 2015
Great script, thank you for writing and sharing it. Helping me ping machines on our network. And written in my favorite shell to boot! Thanks again.Anonymous
August 13, 2015
Thanks for this, i don't have a practical use for this script like many other people posting comments but none the less found it very fascinating to look through and see how it works. Thank youAnonymous
August 16, 2015
Russ, Thank you for the script. Best solution I have found.Anonymous
October 02, 2015
Hey Russ, I know this is pretty old. Just wanted to say thanks. It works pretty great. Something I noticed though is; if I set TimesToPing as 1, the $pingedFrom variable always ends up as 'Ping Job Failed'. Setting for 2+ pings works correctly. Cheers