Rebuilding an index from FIXML


There will be situations where we need to rebuilt index (Disk space, corruption ) from FIXML


  • Open the FAST Command Shell as Administrator on the FS4SP Admin Server
  • Make sure all crawls are stopped or paused and the FS4SP Column is idle
    • Execute: indexerinfo --row=0 --column=0 status
    • Look at the status of each partition status
  • Stop the Web Analyzer and Relevancy Admin
    • The WebAnalyzer runs on a schedule. To avoid any updates or processing causing changes to the index we will suspend the services from processing.
    • Logon to the FS4SP server which hosts the WebAnalyzer.
    • Open FAST Command Shell As Administrator
    • Execute: waadmin showstatus
    • The Overall Status needs to be running before we can suspend it.
    • If the Status is paused
    • Execute: waadmin enqueueview
    • Repeat Steps iv.
    • Execute: waadmin AbortProcessing
    • Execute: spreladmin AbortProcessing
  • Rebuild the Primary Column Index
    • From the FAST Command Shell as Administrator
    • Execute: nctrl stop
    • Using windows explorer navigate to <FASTInstallDrive>\FASTSearch\data\
    • Delete the data_index folder
    • Execute: nctrl start
    • Execute: indexerinfo --row=0 --column=0 status
  • Keep re-issuing the indexerinfo --row=0 --column=0 status to watch the progress
  • Resume WebAnalyzer and Relevancy Admin once the index rebuild completes.
  • Open FAST Command Shell As Administrator on the FS4SP Admin node or the Server with the WebAnalyzer service enabled.
    • Execute: waadmin EnqueueView
    • Execute: spreladmin Enqueue
  • Test your Search Center
