I am Alive

Well, just if some of you are wondering about what happened to the mere insignificant mortal who used to vent his rants in this space, let me tell you, I am still very much alive and kicking. Yeah I haven't been really active writing the stuff that I used to. But then there were a lot of other things happening as well.

First of all, since I stopped writing, I had a really nice vacation when I was off for a looonnnnggg hike to Khatling. It was a nice time. We walked for over 13 days and during that time, I got some really beautiful photographs with my new Canon Rebel XT. Yeah! that's my new baby. So as it goes, I am kind of getting hooked to photography these days and I have been spending a lot of my non-office time - nights and weekends just developing my skills with this art. Psst. Do let me know if you like my work in that space.

Apart from that, I have been pretty much disconnected with Biztalk since last 2 months. So you can guess - no new jabber. But then I have been working with .Net winforms and I think that's an exciting area as well.

A few days ago, it just dawned on me, that I was no longer active on my blog. OMG... I am not blogging! Worse, I wasn't even answering the comments. Over last couple of weeks, I had become reclusive and I had to do something about it. So I started with answering some of the comments/ queries that I had got on some of my age old posts.

Now, I know that I am really bad at sticking to resolutions, but nevertheless, here is something that I am trying one more time - In all its probabilities, you should be getting a lot more updates to this space in near future than you have been getting in the 'near' past. I might not be busy talking about Biztalk, but hey - its the dot before the Net. So almost anything I do qualifies to be here (Unless I succumb to the dark side of the 'non Microsoft world'.)


  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2007
    Sanket, fantastic and nice photographs. I have a Canon EOS 350D (the same model of your Rebel XT) and I am very happy with it. I use the lens EF-S 18-55 II and EF 55-200 II USM. When I get the photograph in RAW, sometimes use Adobe Photoshop too. I don't know if you use Adobe Photoshop or another program as sub process of your photographs. Congratulations.

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2007
    Hey Jorge, Its great to hear from like minded people :) Yeah, I pretty much use the 18-55 and another 50mm/1.8 lens. The XT comes with a licensed software editing program - Arcsoft PhotoStudio and I found it sufficient for my editing needs. I did try the Photoshop CS3 though but dint find it worth the price tag - at least not for what I do with my photos :) Thanks a lot for your feedback on my photographs. It helps me improve :) Have a great day Jorge and of course - keep clicking :)

  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2008
    photos tooooo good. Amazing.... Chaala baagunnai. Hussain sagar and necklace road are the best