Commerce Server Order Schema Manager- Tool to manage OrderObjectMapping.xml


Order schema manager is a custom tool to extend Commerce Server Order Schema. Commerce Server order schema is represented through an xml file name OrderObjectMapping.xml. Extending the schema is accomplished by modifying the xml file manually. I thought of automating the process and end up developing the schema manager tool. I use this for extending order schema and found it very useful.

How does the tool work?

Schema manager works on the schema file and allows the developer to extend the default schema. It also allows the developer to compile the schema file to generate the database script file. It internally uses the OrderMapping.exe to compile the schema file. The tool works on some initialization parameters to compile the schema. Initialization parameters are stored in the application configuration file and the same can be modified by the developers in the compiler page. Following are the details about the initialization parameters and its usage.

Parameter Name



Path of the OrderMapping.exe tool.


Temporary directory to do the compilation at runtime.


Path of the order extension assemblies. Accepts multiple folder paths, delimited by ";".


SQL types supported by Commerce Server 2007. SQL data types delimited by ";". Values specified in the key is used to populate the data type combo box in the table definitions tab.

Tool copies the following files to the temporary directory and compiles the schema file.

  • OrderMapping.exe
  • Dependent assemblies.
  • Web.config
  • OrderObjectmapping.xml

Supported Features

Managing table definitions

  • Creating new tables
  • Creating new columns
  • Managing Foreign and Primary key constraints
  • Adding marshaled data column

Managing Classes /Types

  • Creating a new class.
  • Changing an existing class to a new one and updating the related information.
  • Managing Collection relationships.

Managing Table-Class Mapping

  • Create new mapping
  • Delete existing mapping


Commerce Server order schema is represented in a tree view and all the operations are initiated through context menus. Right clicking on the nodes will show appropriate menus. Context menus are activated only through mouse clicks and not through key board shortcuts. Current version of the tool doesn't provide an option to manage OrderPipelineMapping.xml (part of order schema).

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