BizTalk Server 2006 Rolling Thunder #4: Developer Tools

Today is likely to be the hottest May 27th in Seattle weather history. Not bad for the day before a long weekend. I decided to take the day off and play in the garden and then realized I better get this done first.  This time around we have the new improvements in the developer tools for BizTalk Server 2006. My favourite is the flat-file wizard which makes it soooo much easier to work with flat-files - that's a feature we have been trying to get into the product for a while.  There are a bunch of other changes. 

One area we didn't get to in BizTalk Server 2006 is F5 debugging.  Stay tuned, we do want to give everyone that experience but couldn't get the engineering done in an appropriate timeframe.  Look for that in the next release.

Look for the final two rolling thunder posts next week and then on to TechEd.

Read more here.
