Windows Update and More WMIC samples
I’m a little behind on my regularly scheduled blog posting, I’ll try to keep up with posting every couple of weeks.
You can use Windows Update to patch Server Core, but you first need to turn it one using the following commands:
Cscript c:\windows\system32\scregedit.wsf /au 4
Net stop wuauserv
Net start wuauserv
This will use the default time of 3am to check for patches. If you want to force an update check, you can run:
Wuauclt /detectnow
Some more WMIC command samples that were passed along are at:
January 01, 2003
こんにちは。(やはり、ブログに書いておくことにしました . . .) ご存じの通り Server Core は、Windows Server 2008 R2 で .NET 開発者にとっても無関係なものではなくなりました。いままではAnonymous
January 01, 2003
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