[misc] Getting Kids into Computers
Links I turned up from recent discussions of this topic:
- Scobleizer: https://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/2005/05/25.html#a10197
- Erick Mack: https://www.ericmackonline.com/ica/blogs/emonline.nsf/dx/how-to-get-your-kids-interested-in-computers
- Jeff Sandquist, Bitman's Palace: https://www.jeffsandquist.com/WelcomeToBitmansPlace.aspx
- Kid's Programming Language: https://www.ms-inc.net/kpl.aspx
I keep thinking of how I'd like to get more involved in getting kids into programming. I even tried seeing if I could volunteer-teach an after-school thing at my local high school, but they don't have anything like that, and the school-year timing was wrong to start something. I think the first thing I'll do is go through Bitman's palace and give them my feedback....