Identity @ TechDays in Belgium, 30-31 March & April 1st, 2010


I am evil. Only a bad person blogs about his or her presence at a conference only AFTER it took place: and this is all the more inappropriate from me if you consider that the guys were so incredibly kind to put my long face on their home page! My only excuse, apart from being chronically overcommitted, is that my house good flooded. I know, I know, it sounds awfully like “the dog ate my homework”, but it’s true… the place is still without most walls, I’ll eventually post some pics just for fun.

Anyway, better late than never. Last week I had again the honor & privilege to present a WIF session at the Belux TechDays. I was already reminded by how amazing the Belgian audience is during the WIF workshop in Brussels (more about that in the future), during the session at Antwerp I once more dispelled the myth that the crowds there are cold and non-interactive: although this time I didn’t pull out the sunglasses, I did get nice chuckles for my little pictures and had the pleasure to hear people in the audience utter “claims!” when asked to. Hint: when I ask something to the audience during a session, 98% of the times shouting “claims” will do the job ;-) The video recording of the session, once more projected on the Antwerp multiplex cinema megascreen, will soon be available on Channel9: once it will be up I will update the post with the proper link.

Katrien, Arlindo and all the DPE Belux stuff did a superb job in preparing the conference, as usual; thank you for having me again and congratulations for a very successful event!


  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2010
    Dear Vittorio, Thank you very much for your blog and for wonderful session on TechDays in Belgium. I really appreciate your work and follow Zermatt/Geneva Fwk/WIF evolution closely, since I'm working on Identity Management/Security. I would like to ask you if you can provide me with some sample on WIF usage (Auth and Claim based Authz) with Passive Federation for some custom WCF STS, working in Visual Studio 2010. I have Silverlight Relying Party with RIA Services, and I create custom WCF STS, and need to login using the RP login window (one of requirements of my project is to use specific login window for each RP app), but redirecting silently credentials to STS to create the token with claims. My problem is: I can't find any documentation about how can I configure this scenario, and no samples working on VS2010. Unfortuntly you don't plan to do any workshop on Identity in Portugal and you didn't visit our TechDays2010 in Lisbon which finished yesterday:( Thank you very much and hope to hear from you soon. Daria Barteneva

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2010
    Hi Daria, thank you very much for your kind words! I would absolutely love to come to Lisbona, we just have to convince the local DPE guys that there's enough interest in Identity to support a visit ;-) About WIF+VS2010, be patient just for a bit longer and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised. cheers, V.