Print Cards journal is now included with the source code

The team has released their development journal for the Print Cards VSTS extension, documenting the complete  lifecycle of the v1 release from the inception of the idea, design, development, and release. It is a gem sharing practical guidance, experiences and definition of done (DoD).

Install the extension, read the journal, peruse the source code and bookmark the blog, to stay in touch with the team and future adventures. Share your feedback and influence future versions of the extension!

Get the bits

image  image  image  image

Who’s in the team?

  • Product owner – Will Smythe
  • Development team - Anisha Pindoria, Gordon Beeming and Robert MacLean .

We need your feedback!

Do you have a question, feedback, or an interest to join the early adopters? Add a comment below or ping us here.


  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2015
    This is great! I think a lot of people will make good use of this extension (I will). Even though VSTS provides a fantastic Scrum/Kanban board, there is no real substitute for a physical board that people can gather around for their daily updates and overall collaboration. Great add-on!