
Demand for Surface and Windows 8

Despite hurricane Sandy there was alot of interest and demand for Surface and Windows 8, here are a...

Date: 10/30/2012

Bill Gates shares his excitement for Windows 8 and Surface!!

I have been around Microsoft software since Windows 3.51 as a hobbyist and Windows NT 4.0 as an IT...

Date: 10/23/2012

My new video blogs for MSPFE:

Recently I was in Redmond attending a developer training and while there I thought it would be great...

Date: 10/17/2012

SharePoint 2010 User Profile Sync Job has been running for a week with no end in sight?

Problem: As I was working with one of my customers this week we encountered a seemingly strange...

Date: 09/11/2012

SharePoint 2010 Management Shell Issue "the local farm is not accessible cmdlets with feature dependency are not registered"

Issue: When you launch a SharePoint 2010 Management Shell you receive one or both of the following...

Date: 09/05/2012

The Brilliance of SharePoint 2013's new Work Management service application!!

Have you ever walked into your office in the morning and wondered if you were forgetting a task or a...

Date: 08/22/2012

The Dawn of SharePoint 2013 has been announced!!!!

Hello Friends, Colleagues and SharePoint fans!!! I am sure by now you are as excited as I am! about...

Date: 08/17/2012

SharePoint Governance plans and why are they important?

Before we dive into answering this question we have to acknowledge that technology is meant to...

Date: 06/05/2012

Fault Isolation + SharePoint = SharePoint Resilience!

One of the common poor design decisions I have seen in the field is using a single Web Application...

Date: 06/01/2012

Sanitizing Customized SharePoint Pages for best performance.

As we do collaborative business across teams and business groups we tend to modify SharePoint pages...

Date: 05/30/2012

Unable to navigate sites under IIS?

There has been instances where one is unable to examine sites under IIS's ISM on a Web Front-end...

Date: 05/07/2008

MOSS 2007 - Unsupported Practices at random

These are links to KB articles indicating some unsupported practices in SharePoint and at random....

Date: 04/01/2008

MOSS 2007 - Structuring Web Applications with a level of fault isolation.

One of the common poor design decisions I have seen in the field is using a single Web Application...

Date: 03/30/2008

MOSS 2007 - How to move MySites from one Web Application and Content Database to another.

It is strongly recommended to first attempt the following procedure in a development environment...

Date: 03/28/2008

MOSS 2007 - How to change SharePoint Service Accounts

One of the most common security mistakes when building your MOSS farm is using the same service...

Date: 03/28/2008