Microsoft Answers - for your Vista questions

My group is working with the Windows product and support teams, and the Server and Tools Online team, on a new online community and forum-based consumer support site. The beta is now released and providing Windows Vista support to consumers for free! You can check it out here:

Microsoft Answers

There's an awesome team available to answer your Vista questions in the forums, including Microsoft MVPs, Windows Vista Support Engineers and a few other Microsoft employees (including me in my spare time!), as well as an already growing community of knowledgeable Windows Vista users!

The site includes tag clouds, social bookmarking, and Windows Live Alerts for your forum threads. You can post your feedback about the new site in the Feedback Forum. It has already received some attention from Rick Broida (PC World) in the Washington Post, and from Todd Bishop on TechFlash. Expect to hear more about this new site in the future!
