Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Vinicius Moura

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See An index to all Rangers covered on this blog for more details.

Who you are?

Vinicius Moura, Consultant ALM at Lambda3.Vinicius Moura

What makes you “tick”?

I love helping the customers to solve their problems. It´s grateful for me.

Where you live?

São Paulo, SP - Brazil

Where is the place you call home?

São Paulo, SP, Brazil, where I was born and live with my family and friends.

Why are you active in the Rangers program?

I wanted to work and contribute with a specialized team about ALM products and improve the way TFS is used, allowing the customers enjoy our best practices.

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?

I’m new at the rangers program and I´m ready to contribute in new projects.


  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2016
    Boa tarde Vinícius.Sou Certificado CTFL 2015 e pretendo tirar uma nova certificação na área de Testes/Qualidade este ano.Estou pensando em CSTE ou CBTS. Mas observei que existe também um caminho ALM.Quais as certificações relacionadas com ALM?Qual caminho devo seguir?E o mercado de trabalho?Obrigado! Abraço