Introducing WPF Application Quality Guide v.0.3

WPF Application Quality Guide v0.3 has been released on 09/26/08 (last Friday) at the WindowsClient.NET! It is a guide that we hope upon completion can be a one-stop shop for guidance and best practices to improve product quality and testability of WPF applications and controls. Check out the headline at the Featured News section, view the guide content online or download a word doc  to view offline!   


This release includes 3 new content:

1. Suggested Roadmap – a thorough reading map for topics and articles based on different persona, including QAs, SDETs, App and Control Developers

2. Manual Testing and Record and Play – an article about the challenges in manual testing, good practices in writing manual tests, and guidelines for recording them for playback

3. Globalization and Localization Testing – summarized the high level concepts and provided useful resources with sample and more details to come in future releases  


Please let us know your comments and feedback, we will be fine-tuning the content for future releases based on community's feedback. Thanks!
