WPF Application Quality Guide v0.2

The WPF team has just released the WPF Application Quality Guide v0.2 today, here is an online version and here is a word doc with same content. 

This release has an easy-to-navigate TOC structure, additional samples and content such as general testing concepts, test strategies, WPF programming stack, visual verification testing, media testing, animation and transition testing, performance and scalability testing, security testing, data binding and interop. It also provides a tools section where you can find the tools for creating, debugging, profiling and test WPF apps and components. 

What do you think about the TOC structure and the content?  Can you easily find the content you are looking for?  Is there any topic that you would like to see in the future releases?  Send us the feedback at wpftbest@microsoft.com or provide your comment below. Thanks!


  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2008
    Sharepoint Creating Hierarchical Menus with a CustomAction in SharePoint [Via: Jan Tielens ] WPF Metadata...

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2008
    But will anyone write desktop WPF applications targeted at the general audience?