Pre-Requisites for Installation of System Center Configuration Manager 2012 RC


To install the Configurations Manager 2012 HM01 have a virtual machine that is the domain controller, a server Sql Server 2008 R2 server named HM04 and HM07 where you install the Configuration Manager 2012. All servers are running Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1.

Pre-Installation Requirements for Configuration Manager Infrastructure

Preparation of Active Directory

To install the Configuration Manager must extend the Active Directory schema and create the container for the publication of server roles for the internal network.

Expansion of the Active Directory Schema

To expand the schema ExtAdSch run the tool which is located on the installation media folder in the Configuration Manager SMSSETUP \ BIN \ X64

To verify that the schema was successfully expanded open the log file of the tool in place c: \ ExtADSch.txt.

Establishment of the System Manager Container

To publish the Configuration Manager components to create a container in the System folder, for this launch ADSIEdit and connect to Default naming context .

Right-click the folder System , select New -> Object ...

Select the object class equals container

Set the value with the name CN System Manager

And finalize the creation of the object

Return to ADSIEdit and open the properties of the container created

In the tab Security add the account of the Configuration Manager server machine in the list of allowed

Set up the account with Full Control and click Advanced

Edit the permissions of the account

Select Apply to: This Object and all descendant objects and select Apply These permissions to objects and / or containers Within this container only

Preparing the SQL Configuration

These are the supported versions of SQL Configuration Manager that can be installed:

  • SQL Server 2008 Standard or Enterprise with SP2 Cumulative Update 7 or later
  • SQL Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 Cumulative Update 4 or higher
  • SQL Server Express 2008 R2 with Cumulative Update 4 or higher (for Secondary Sites )

Enable SQL Server network protocols to connect

Add the SCCM server account to the local "Administrators" group on the SQL machine.

Installing Prerequisite Packages

Before starting the installation of the Configuration Manager server install the following features on the server:

Also install the following server roles:

  • Windows Server Update Services
  • IIS Web Server
    • Common HTTP Features
      • Static Content 
      • Default Document
      • Directory Browsing
      • HTTP Errors
      • HTTP Redirection
    • Application Development
      • ASP.NET
      • . NET Extensibility
      • ASP
      • ISAPI Extensions
      • ISAPI Filters
    • Health and Diagnostics
      • HTTP Logging
      • Request Monitor
      • Tracing
    • Security
      • Windows Authentication
      • Request Filtering
    • Performance Tools
      • Static Content Compression
      • Dynamic Content Compression
    • IIS Management Tools
      • IIS Management Console
      • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
      • IIS 6 WMI Compatibility

Open the IIS management console and configure digital certificate binding to port 443. This certificate will be used to encrypt traffic Configuration Manager

With the pre-requisites completed we are ready to start the installation of the solution. 

**Installing the Configuration Manager:  ** 

This article was originally written by: 
Fernando Lugão Veltem
**blog:  **  
**twitter:  **@ flugaoveltem