Script to Check HD Encrypted Using BitLocker

This sample script, originally on this blog post, shows how you can script a check on hard drives to report if they have been encrypted with BitLocker and/or BiltLocker To Go.

Do you have an alternative script or way to check if BL is enabled on a hard drive? Please share in this article - it is the Wiki way!

Here is how you can view, disable and enable BitLocker features from the Windows PowerShell prompt.

(For this example, Windows BitLocker needs to be enabled on the c: drive.)

PS > $drives = get-wmiobject -namespace root\CIMv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption -class Win32_EncryptableVolume
PS> $drives | format-table DriveLetter, PersistentVolumeID -autosize
PS> $BitLockDrive = $drives[0]
PS> $BitLockDrive.GetProtectionStatus()
PS> $BitLockDrive.DisableKeyProtectors()
PS> $BitLockDrive.EnableKeyProtectors()