OCSP powershell script


[IS4U Blog]


I read following question on http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/.


Are there any available PowerShell, WMI, or command-line options for configuring an OCSP responder? I know that I can install the feature with the Add-WindowsFeature, but I'd like to script configuring the responder and creating the array.


[Courtesy of the Jonathan “oh no, feet!” Stephens – Ned]

There are currently no command line tools or dedicated PowerShell cmdlets available to perform management tasks on the Online Responder. You can, however, use the COM interfaces IOCSPAdmin and IOSCPCAConfiguration to manage the revocation providers on the Online Responder.

  1. Create an IOSCPAdmin object.
  2. The IOSCPAdmin::OCSPCAConfigurationCollection property will return an IOCSPCAConfigurationCollection object.
  3. Use IOCSPCAConfigurationCollection::CreateCAConfiguration to create a new revocation provider.
  4. Make sure you call IOCSPAdmin::SetConfiguration when finished so the online responder gets updated with the new revocation configuration.

Because these are COM interfaces, you can call them from VBScript or PowerShell, so you have great flexibility in how you write your script.

Solution (Script)

I have written and tested a PowerShell script that creates an OCSP configuration.

Required parameters:

  • $cert: CA certificate (stored locally)
  • $crl: URL of the corresponding crl
  • $servername: The server name (eg. OcspServer)
  • $signingcertificate: The DN of your signing certificate (eg. CN=ocspSigning, OU=Cert, O=Company, C=Country)

The first two parameters can be passed on the command line, the other two can be hardcoded or saved in an XML file.

The first thing we do is save the raw certificate data of the signing certificate.

# Create a new certificate object
$SigningCert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate

# Get the certificate from the local store by using it's DN
$SigningCert = ls cert:\LocalMachine\My | where {$_.Subject -eq $signingcertificate}

# Save the raw certificate data
$SigningCert = $SigningCert.GetRawCertData()

Next, we convert the string that points to the certificate to a file, take its location and save the raw certificate data of the ca certificate.

$file = Get-Childitem $cert
$certName = $file.Name
$certPath = $file.DirectoryName

$CaCert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate
$CaCert.Import($certPath + "\" + $certName)
$CaCert = $CaCert.GetRawCertData()

We then create an OCSPPropertyCollection. In here we store the URL of the certificate revocation list and we specify the refresh interval. After the time specified in the refresh interval, windows will download the newest version of the crl from the specified location.

# Save the desired OcspProperties in a collection object
$OcspProperties = New-Object -com "CertAdm.OCSPPropertyCollection"
$OcspProperties.CreateProperty("BaseCrlUrls", $crl)
$OcspProperties.CreateProperty("RevocationErrorCode", 0)

# Sets the refresh interval to 1 hour (time is specified in milliseconds)
$OcspProperties.CreateProperty("RefreshTimeOut", 3600000)

Finally, we create an OCSPAdmin object and create a new revocation provider.

# Save the baseName in a variable, this is the filename without extension
# eg. basename of certificate.cer is certificate
$certBaseName = $file.BaseName

# Save the current configuration in an OcspAdmin object
$OcspAdmin = New-Object -com "CertAdm.OCSPAdmin"
$OcspAdmin.GetConfiguration($servername, $true)

# Create a new revocation configuration
$NewConfig = $OcspAdmin.OCSPCAConfigurationCollection.CreateCAConfiguration($certBaseName, $CaCert)
$NewConfig.HashAlgorithm = "SHA1"
$NewConfig.SigningFlags = 0x020
$NewConfig.SigningCertificate = $SigningCert
$NewConfig.ProviderProperties = $OcspProperties.GetAllProperties()
$NewConfig.ProviderCLSID = "{4956d17f-88fd-4198-b287-1e6e65883b19}"
$NewConfig.ReminderDuration = 90

# Commit the new configuration to the server
$OcspAdmin.SetConfiguration($servername, $true)


Following links were very helpful when I was writing this script: