FIM Troubleshooting: FIM Service Polling the Exchange Web Service (EWS) fills the Application Event Log

Problem Statement

The Exchange Server is down, or the connection to the Exchange Server is down between the machine running the FIM Service and the Exchange Server. 

The FIM Service polls for the Exchange Web Service (EWS) every minute, and when it cannot reach the Exchange Web Service (EWS) then it dumps an error into the Application Event Log.  It is very possible that the Application Event Log could fill up with these errors.


The goal here is to control how often the FIM Service pings/polls the Exchange Web Service (EWS). 

We can control this via a setting in the FIM Service Configuration File. 


Add the following line to the FIM Service Configuration File (Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Service.Exe.Config)

/configuration/ appSettings/ add[@key='exchangeListenerInterval']

Resolution Steps

  1. Navigate to the installation path for the FIM Service
    (%programfiles%\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Service)

  2. Locate and Edit the FIM Service Configuration File (Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Service.Exe.Config)

  3. Locate the <appSettings> section

  4. Add a new item in the <appSettings> section that reads

    <add key="exchangeListenerInterval" value = "30" />

  5. Save the FIM Service Configuration File

  6. In the Services MMC, locate the Forefront Identity Manager Service and  restart it. 

Additional Information