FIM CM Troubleshooting: Attempts to Retire Smart Card Receive Error 0x80072116


Attempts to manage (retire, revoke, etc.) an issued smart card in FIM CM or CLM 2007 receive the following error.

Name translation: Could not find the name or insufficient right to see name. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072116)


The user account to which the smart card was issued has been deleted. This proves difficult to determine in cases when the deleted user account is recreated with the same name.


None. FIM CM relies upon the presence of backing components to remain in active directory. Deleting profile templates, certificates templates, or user accounts with which FIM CM issued certificates prevents future management of those certificates in FIM CM.

In the case of a deleted user viewing the details of the smart card the “assigned to” and “originator” fields are unknown.


Error in CLM and CM:


Viewing smart card details in CLM and CM:

Applies to:


  • Certificate Lifecycle Manager 2007
  • Forefront Identity Manager 2010 – Certificate Management
  • Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 – Certificate Management