Factory Pattern

Factory pattern deals with the instantiation of object without exposing the instantiation logic. In other words, a Factory is actually a creator of object which has common interface.


//Empty vocabulary of Actual object
    public interface  IPeople
        string GetName();
    public class  Villagers : IPeople
        #region IPeople Members
        public string  GetName()
            return "Village Guy";
    public class  CityPeople : IPeople
        #region IPeople Members
        public string  GetName()
            return "City Guy";
    public enum  PeopleType
    /// <summary>
    /// Implementation of Factory - Used to create objects
    /// </summary>
    public class  Factory
        public IPeople GetPeople(PeopleType type)
            IPeople people = null;
            switch (type)
                case PeopleType.RURAL :
                    people = new  Villagers();
                case PeopleType.URBAN:
                    people = new  CityPeople();
            return people;

In the above code you can see I have created one interface called IPeople and implemented two classes from it as Villagers and CityPeople. Based on the type passed into the factory object, I am sending back the original concrete object as the Interface IPeople.