BizTalk Integration Development Architecture

Why Development Architecture?

If company uses BizTalk Server extensively over the years, great number of the BizTalk applications is created and scheduled to creation. These applications might be related of each other, might be independent, but they all work in shared BizTalk environment. If we are not applying some sort of discipline in implementation, the BizTalk deployment would be a complete mess.

BizTalk provides broad spectrum of tools and functions out of box. BizTalk Server internal architecture is always the grand part of the whole integration architecture. BizTalk forces developers use some patterns and implementation methods. Unfortunately, not everything is covered by BizTalk itself, and developers have to implement missing functionality. Some functionality is implemented inconsistently throughout BizTalk and developers have many ways to use these features.

Architecture here provides some important limitations on the used techniques hence simplifies the implementation, makes it clear and understandable.

One example is the BizTalk deployment. BizTalk provides many ways to deploy the BizTalk artifacts into run-time environments. Without organizing the deployment process, we can easily reach the point where our BizTalk system would look like jungle. We could not deploy anything without breaking something, we could not fix any bug without risk to break something, and we could not improve our system without changing something unrelated to our modification.

The architecture provides us with limitations and rules. The architecture provides us with shared technological pieces and shared methods and principles. The architecture is a method to greatly simplify development, deployment and management, it is a method to be more productive and create more robust solutions.

You can find some architecture information into the BizTalk documentation. You find out several tutorials and good amount of samples. Almost all of them related to the infrastructure architecture, i.e. how to create high available systems with clusters, how to scale out the BizTalk systems, etc. I am going to cover development aspects of architecture.

Why am I using here the Integration term in the BizTalk Integration, not the Project, nor the Solution, nor the Application terms? The Project, Solution and Application terms are used for concrete artifacts, so they are confusing. Here I will use the Integration term, which  means here several Visual Studio Solutions, several BizTalk Applications, and many-many BizTalk Projects. In this context the BizTalk Integration means all BizTalk Applications on single BizTalk computer or cluster.

Architecture of typical big BizTalk Integration has several generic parts and architecture points. Big Integration means there are more than 10 BizTalk applications which of course are composed from all sorts of artifacts: schemas, maps, orchestrations, pipelines, pipeline components, helper .NET classes, ports, etc.

As it happens in my experience, big BizTalk Integration is usually architected in several key points:

  • Artifact Composition
    • Naming conventions
    • Folder structure
    • Shared Artifacts
    • Functionality
      • Deployment and Configuration
      • Tracing and Logging
      • Testing
      • Error Handling
      • Documentation: Design, Projects, Operations
    • Methodology
      • BizTalk technologies in use
      • Development patterns
      • Integration Patterns

By any means it is not a complete list. In your implementation it might look different and this is OK. It is not a recommended list. It is just a sample of one of possible architecture approach.

The Questions

I am going to focus on several architectural aspects which can be expressed by these questions:

What is wrong with this BizTalk feature?

Here I am going to discuss the Cons of a BizTalk feature. Why we have to create the additional artifacts, why don’t use an existed BizTalk feature?

What are the trade-offs?

There are always several solutions of one problem. The best solution always has drawbacks and we should clearly understand them.

How do we want to improve?

Our improvement should be measured clearly and understandable. The success or failure measurement could not be based on vague perception.

How does a typical implementation look like?

The implementation samples and patterns keep developers on the right road and speed up development.

Update Rules, Change Management

The integration is a never-ended endeavor. The BizTalk Integration embraces many unrelated projects, created by different developer teams with different skill sets and with different requirements. It is almost impossible to create architecture rules and standards which could survive all this way.  One smart way is to hire the most experienced developer/architect who creates a good starting rule set and architecture patterns, so it would embrace the best existed practices as soon as possible. But the changes and modifications are inevitable.

One way to fight this problem is to set up a rule about updates. 

Is it a problem or not? Let’s see an example:

The BizTalk Integration includes 50 BizTalk applications which were created through 10 year development effort. The 25th application was the Notification application which is used as a notification hub for all other applications. All 25+ new applications use this Notification application. But the old applications do not use it. They use several “unconventional” notification methods.

Now one of these old applications should be modified for some unrelated reasons. Resources were found for the modification. What about this Notification hub? Should it be a part of this modification or should not?

The Update rule could be:

 Each application update should include all architecture updates which were happened between now and the last application update.

It sounds familiar. This rule mimics the definition of the service pack which usually includes all up-to-date fixes. With this rule we keep the applications in good shape, we easily track the legacy applications, we track the up-to-date fixes.

Tip: Keep a table with applications as rows and the architecture updates as columns, and we always know the current state of updates. 

It could be a different rule. For example, the architecture update should be implemented immediately on all applications which satisfy some criteria.

Any Update rule is much better than no rule at all. When we develop a standalone application we don’t know if this application version is the last version or the application is going to live for years with many updates on this way. But the BizTalk Integration is always never-ended process, so the Update rule is a good candidate for a good architecture.

Architecture pieces

The Artifact Composition

Generic Rules

  • A Visual Studio solution defines exactly one BizTalk application. A “Visual Studio solution” and a “BizTalk application” terms can be used in the same places without explicit announcement. Both must use the same name. It is prohibited to spread one solution into several applications or one application into several solutions!
  • A Visual Studio project defines exactly one .NET assembly. A “Visual Studio project” and a “.NET assembly” terms can be used in the same places without explicit announcement. Both must use the same name. It is prohibited to spread one project into several assemblies or one assembly into several projects!

Naming Conventions

Artifact composition and naming conventions are two sides of one coin, both mirror the same object hierarchy. We create our architecture model and implement it in the naming conventions. Clear, elegant naming conventions mean clear, elegant model. Messy and inconsistent names mean lack of design and, as a result, complex and unreliable implementation. 

Here I am showing a typical naming convention for the BizTalk Integration. It is little bit boring, so feel free to jump over it. J

Name definitions

Composite names are names composed from several words in Pascal format without separating symbols.

Examples: MySoulution, PatientRecord. 

Artifacts can use full names or logical names

Logical names are composite or single-word names with or without separating symbols [.-_/]. A logical name defines a logical entity within logical hierarchy.

Examples: MyCompany.SeattleOffice, MyDomain-DepartmentA, MySolution_Internal, Schemas.SystemX. 

Full names are compounded from logical names separated by separating symbols. Full names express logical hierarchical grouping.

Examples: MyCompany.MyDomain.MySolution.Schemas. 

Naming Conventions Syntax

I use these naming conventions as source information.

Generic Naming conventions:

<Word> =: 

<CompositeName> =:

<LogicalName> :=

<Company> =:
<Domain>    =:
<Solution>    =: 

<Namespace>         =:

Naming conventions for Visual Studio artifacts:

<VSSolutionFullName>        =:
**<BizTalkApplication> **          =: 

<VSProject> =:
<Assembly> =:
<DotNetNamespace> =:


<SolutionsRootFolder> =: c:\Solutions

<SolutionFolder>      =:

<ProjectFolder>       =:


<OrchestrationProject>       =:

<SchemaProject>    =:

<MapProject>          =:

<PipelineProject>     =:

<PipelineComponentProject>         =:


<TargetNamespace> =:

<Version> =:
         <date> [in YYYY-MM-DD format]

Naming Conventions for BizTalk Artifacts:

<Orchestration>       =:

<Schema> =:
         <LogicalName>_FF [for Flat File schema]

<Map>      =:
         <SourceSchema>_to_<DestinationSchema> [for one-to-one map]
         <SourceSchema1>_and_<SourceSchema2>_to_<DestinationSchema> [for two-to-one map]

<Pipeline> =:

<Port>      =:

<ReceiveLocation>   =:

Shared Artifacts

This picture does not embrace all BizTalk artifacts but only several most used artifacts.

It shows relations between the BizTalk artifacts:

As you can see a schema is the most used and the most elementary artifact. Maps, orchestrations, pipelines use schemas not the opposite. Schemas play one of the most important roles in integration. The distributed systems integration is based on contracts and an XML schema is the implementation of a contract. If we share only schemas, our artifacts will be loose coupled.

BizTalk and Integrated Systems exchange data usually in strictly defined formats, the contracts. Once defined the contracts should be kept stable and rarely be changed.

This concept forces us to pay a special attention to the schemas in the integration architecture. Also this forces us to use several simple rules:

  • Place schemas in a separate project;
  • Place independent schemas in separate projects.

Let’s assume the BizTalk application integrates two systems, A and B. Our rules force us to create at last three schema projects: SchemasA, SchemasB, SchemasInternal. AssemblyA (with SchemaA) is exposed to the BizTalk application and to the system A; AssemblyB (with SchemaB) is exposed to the BizTalk application and to the system B; AssemblyInternal (with schemas used only internally) is accessible only for the artifacts of this BizTalk application.

One integrated system in the big BizTalk Integration can be integrated with several BizTalk applications. That is why it is hard to predict if the schemas will be used in one or in several applications.

Makes sense to place all schemas, exposed by integrated systems, to a separate solution. This creates one place where contracts are stored and managed. We will keep our guns in the arsenal under good control.

Here is an example of such solution in the real-life solution: 

It has the Shared.Schemas name.

Folder Structure

Folder structure should follow the solution structure. Here is an example for the Shared.Schemas solution folder structure: 

The detailed discussion of the Artifact Composition is in the next article, “The BizTalk Integration Development Architecture: Artifact Composition”.


Documentation is an essential part of the architecture for big BizTalk Integration. 

Documentation is a single entry point for all interested people including developers, administrators, and stakeholders.

Big BizTalk Integration is created not as a single project but as several independent projects developed by different teams, with different goals, different requirements, and different skills. It is important to perform the architecture reevaluation of the code base at last once a year. The main part of this job is to keep documentation up to date.

Good documentation means the integration is kept on the architect radar. It means the stakeholders know the present and the future of company integration.

Bad documentation means bad management, lack of resources, and lack of perspective.

I prefer to use hierarchical document model. Document model mirrors the architectural model. A single document, “The BizTalk Deployment Architecture” is on the top of the hierarchy.  The document structure has several main parts: the Design documents, the Operation documents, and the Project documents.

Design documents map the main chapters of this document.

Design documents:

  • Naming Conventions
  • The Artifact Composition
  • Deployment and Configuration
  • Tracking and Logging
  • Error Handling
  • Testing
  • Integration Patterns
  • Development Patterns
  • BizTalk Technologies in Use
  • Other Design Information

Operation documents are usually heavily influenced by the corporate standards. So the following document list will probably different for you.

Operation documents:

  • Monitoring
  • Settings, Tuning up
  • Maintenance
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Other Procedures

A project document describes only information specific for this project. All generic information should be placed in Design or Operation documents. It is not permitted to place the generic information inside the project documents.

Project documents:

  • <ProjectName> project

The document templates will be provided in one of the next article, “the BizTalk Integration Development Architecture: Documents”.


Detailed Functionality discussion will be provided in one of the next article, “the BizTalk Integration Development Architecture: Functionality”.

Deployment and Configuration

There are many different objects (artifacts) in BizTalk Server with different deployment process. Deployment for orchestrations, business rules, BAM tracking profiles, ports, pipeline components, .NET helper classes, configuration parameters is not the same.

Deployment order is very important. If applications share some artifacts, small fix can force you to redeploy not just single assembly but several of your applications.  

Deployment in the multi-server installation adds complexity.

Deployment in several environments (Development, Test, Staging, and Production) makes configuration even more complex.

For big BizTalk Integration we have now only one choice, the BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF). It is a free tool on Codeplex, created by Scott Colestock and Thomas Abraham. This great tool puts together all deployment steps and enormously simplifies deployment and configuration.

It is the mandatory tool for the big BizTalk Integration. Many architectural choices here are made because of the BTDF. For example, BTDF supports log4net and NUnit out-of-box, so these utilities are natural choice.

Tracking and Logging

These two terms are very alike in a BizTalk environment. Logging is different in a way it works all the time and registers important events as the host instance starts or stops. Tracking is something that developers include in code to track information useful for debugging. Logging is small and fast and does not harm performance; it is usually turned on all the time. Tracking is heavier; it produces more information and harms performance. It can be turned on only in special occasions like bug investigations or testing.

I agree, it is not a classic definition of logging and tracking, it is how I use it here.

BizTalk Server implements logging internally for many important events like errors or changing state of run-time artifacts. We cannot manage this logging and there isn’t any API to control it. This internal logging is not the consistent across the events, does not have consistent format. So it is hard to use it for everyday monitoring without additional custom log viewers.

There is a massive implementation of tracking in the BizTalk Server. We can turn on tracking for almost all run-time artifacts, as orchestrations, ports, pipelines. Tracking data consists mostly from the messages and message context. Tracked date stored into tracking databases. Tracking coverage is broad. The bad things about it in BizTalk are the BizTalk doesn’t have good tools to dig through the tracking data, it doesn’t have an API to access the tracking data, and tracking harms performance badly. So usually BizTalk tracking is turned on only for short period of time and looking though the tracked data is slow process and requires long learning. As a result the BizTalk tracking is not good for development and testing but only for the bug investigations.

One of the possible solutions for tracking and logging is to use standard logging library like Enterprise Library Logging block, or NLog, or log4net. The EL is not competitor here because of several drawbacks. It is the most complex package in our list, it is the slowest, and the most important drawback is the EL is used inside the ESB Toolkit which creates versioning problems. NLog is the most contemporary library. But log4net is chosen because it is supported by the BizTalk Deployment Framework.

Log4net is used for both tracking and logging. Only limited set of events is registered in logging mode, the events that are important for the everyday monitoring and error handling. In tracking mode additional information is registered including message bodies and message flow. Log4net output is easily tuned up. Development effort to use log4net is minimal.

Logging data is written into the log files and into the Windows event log for the data auditing, into notification emails for immediate error handling.

Tracking data is written additionally into the debug output for testing and debugging.

Error Handling

Error sources

Errors raised in BizTalk Server in several main places: orchestrations and ports. Other artifacts are usually included in orchestrations or in ports, so an error in a map, for example, will be raised by an orchestration or by a port, which nests this map.

  • Ports: Here is a standard way to handle errors on ports. We set up the “Enable routing for Failed Messages” option on the ports. This promotes several special context properties on the failed message. We use these properties to subscribe to the failed messages. A typical error handling is to create a failed message subscriber: a send port or an orchestration, which receives failed messages, created a well-formatted notification and send it as a record to the database and/or an email to the interested parties. Without such this option set up, the failed messages are suspended.
  • Orchestration: This case a little bit more complex. Whey error raised, we are usually interested in all existed messages of this orchestration. If a port fails there is only one message, if an orchestration fails there can be many messages in failed orchestration. It would be great, if we compound all those messages and send them as single message to the error subscribers.
    The BizTalk Server has the ESB Toolkit with special Exception Handling features. Using ESB Toolkit API we can attach all messages to single fault message and publish it. Processing of this message can be the same as for ports or using ESB Toolkit again. Fault message (a single fault message or a fault message with several attached messages) can be saved in the ESB Toolkit Exception database and processed on the Exception Portal.

We have to decide which way is preferable: create the custom error handling code or use ESB Toolkit. 

The log4net utility is also used for logging the errors and raising the error notifications.

Before start to implement error handling we should classify our errors and decide how to process different sorts of errors.


BizTalk has several options for the functional testing. There is a good tooling for the map testing. But there is not too much for the application testing. Typical testing done with additional file send test ports and file receive locations. Unfortunately there is any two-way file port which makes challenging the testing for the two-way endpoints like most of the WCF and enterprise ports.

There are several options to create tests for the BizTalk applications, the Visual Studio test functionality and the old NUnit, which is luckily supported by BTDF.

Visual Studio test functionality is abundant. But it is hard to replicate the test harnesses from Development environment to other environments. It creates too many relations in the deployment package and too many pieces should be deployed. This is a real problem for the Production environment where the Visual Studio is not installed.

NUnit requires only couple additional libraries, which is the key argument for using NUnit. Moreover NUnit is luckily supported by the BizTalk Deployment Framework. So our decision is to use NUnit.

There is also additional BizUnit library. BizUnit is good test library but it is not mandatory. The newest .NET Framework libraries cover most of the BizUnit features. One drawback with BizUnit is, the BizUnit documentation is scarce and you spent a lot of time learning.

It is hard to implement continuous integration in the BizTalk Integration but it is desirable.


Detailed Methodology discussion will be provided in one of the next article, “the BizTalk Integration Development Architecture: Methodology”.

Other languages

This article is also available in other languages

See Also

Another important place to find an extensive amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.