Capturing Image with Windows AIK

Note you will need to download Windows AIK Bootable Media here 

Here are the instructions to apply an image

You will also need a USB drive to save images on.

Capturing Image with Windows AIK

  1. Boot to the Windows AIK PE disk or USB Drive
  2. Attach the Additional USB Drive on which you will store the Captured image
  3. Run  the command Diskpart.exe 
  4. Run the command List Volume
  5. Note the drive letters. You will need to know the drive letters for the following disks:
    • OS Partition ( this will be one of the first volumes and the largest)
    • Windows AIK PE disk or USB Drive
    • USB Drive that will hold the image. e
  6. Type Exit to exit Diskpart

**7.      ** Run the following command to capture the image. This example assumes that, drive f: is the Windows AIK PE drive, Drive c: is the OS Partition, Drive G is the USB drive that will hold the image

F:\imagex /Capture c:\  g:\Imagename.WIM “Image label”

* Image label needs to be in quotations

** **

*It Takes about a half hour to capture an image