Necessity of Performing MDF File Recovery Due to Page Level Corruption

Databases are nothing but strategically relationally organized set of information, collected and supervised at a place. And fortunately a lot of database management system applications i.e. DBMS’s support the creation and maintenance of database. Some of the popular ones in this category are; SAP, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, etc. But once databases confront loss of database integrity it reflects on the functioning of the organization that depended on it. Hence, here we’ll be discussing straightaway about MDF files that belong to SQL Server, how inaccessibility overpowers it and what measures are to be followed for performing MDF file recovery in a successful manner.

In Case of Page Level Corruption

Page level corruption in SQL Server database doesn’t take place in any different way but strikes just like any other corruption issue in the Server.

However, the error that follows for that would be as follows:

“Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 1

SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: unable to decrypt page due to missing DEK. It occurred during a read of page….mdf'. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately.

This clearly shows that the integrity of user’s database has been compromised with resulting in the occurrence of the aforementioned erroneous message. The only way to overcome this is via recovery.

How Deeply MDF Corruption Affects?

Database corruption; especially for an organization, working as a large or small scale; is one of the worst scenarios. The compromise done with retention of integrity of a database for any enterprise results in blocking business continuity and when such cases take places some of the following consequences follow:

  • Repercussions in business
  • Loss of customer
  • Deprivation of reputation
  • Financial losses

And hence, after facing all of the financial losses DBA’s don’t prefer going for paid recovery solutions so that anymore monetary forfeit can be avoided.

Resultantly, most of the highly skilled DBA’s already have a couple of strategies ready with them to tackle with internal damage in SQL Server database such as; database replication, keep database in Mirroring\AlwaysOn mode, plans for disaster recovery, clustering, truncating it, renaming the database, attaching it, etc. But, in severe cases of database damage these procedures aren’t appropriate enough to be adopted for resolving issues with SQL MDF database integrity.

Therefore, the first step towards overcoming Master Database File corruption or inaccessibility is to use a recent and full backup of the database available to users and restore it. But in case backup file isn’t available or has turned out inaccessible too then, refer the next section.

Troubleshoot SQL MDF Corruption

In circumstances that do not involve huge or complex SQL Server database, users can even rebuild their database to get hold of the situation. But, this may require a lot of patience as rebuilding database is completely carried out manually and requires ample amount of technical know-how from the user end as well as time to rebuild the entire database and retaining each of its component too.

However, if even the discussed process isn’t feasible for the users they can still go for another try of MDF file recovery via third-party applications. These are usually proven the final yet guaranteed step of recovery as they are technically sound yet user friendly and effortlessly offer a guaranteed solution without taking much time.

Hence, a lot of users have been observed going for external application in the first go itself so that business continued can be regained as soon as possible once the database has been repaired successfully regardless of the size it is. SQL Recovery is amongst such dependable and topnotch applications that offers a specialized and precise recovery of MDF files from any level or case of corruption. Read more: