Solution for Outlook Auto mapping – Exchange 2010 SP2 and above

Solution for Outlook Auto mapping – Exchange 2010 SP2 and above

** For Specific OU Users**

  1. Created a OU named “Automap” and added two users to it named “Manisha Tunk ” & “Pramod”.
  2. Administrator is the user who has full access on both the mailbox in this Automap OU.
  3. Now our action plan is to remove auto mapping for the administrator , to avoid those two profiles being added to the administrator’s outlook when its loaded.
  4. The attribute which is working behind automapping is “msExchDelegateListLink”, it has the list of users who have fullaccess on the mailbox.
  5. So we can either set this attribute to *null *or we can just follow the below steps to remove automapping via exchange powershell (Only applicable for Exchange 2010 SP2 and above), Same is available here – Technet


For all the users in the Org to remove auto mapping for a user named “Administrator”

Below command just gives the user “Administrator” full access to all the mailboxes, Here by default Automapping is set to true,

I.e., msExchDelegateListLink has this value added to the respective mailboxes


When the administrator opens the Outlook,Now outlook will display all the mailbox on which the administrator has full mailbox access,Most of them doesn’t want this to happen,

Hence we tweak “-automapping” value to be false

 Below command adds full mailbox access to the user “Administrator” and disables the automapping

Get-Mailbox | % {Add-mailboxpermission -user “Administrator” -accessrights “FullAccess” -identity $_ -Automapping $false}


Now find the administrator’s profile below,

 Profiles are not automapped, as we have set the automapping to $false

Post in your feedback/queries/and what ever you want to say about this piece of info

Ganesh G