T-SQL: Send Replication Alert along with query to find exact command


There are predefined alerts that can be used to send alert related with replication failure however that alert requires further investigation to identify root cause. Following lines of codes are customized to send alert with adequate information that can help DBA at any level to address replication issue quickly without spending extra time in investigation.


In order to achieve this we need to create two stored procedures and setup a job to execute usp_dba_ReplAlert:

  1. usp_dba_send_cdosysmail: to send email
  2. usp_dba_ReplAlert: to identify error and send alert using usp_dba_send_cdbosysmail.

Script for usp_dba_sendcdosysmail

Purpose   : Call usp_dba_send_cdosysmail and provide all necessary information like
        SMTP Server Detail, Subject, Body and compiles right Recipient 
        Address etc.
Author    : Microsoft
Modified By  : Mohan Kumar
Created on   : 07/24/2006
        Table            Procedure
Usage    :
            @To = 'mohan@sqlserverexperts.com',
            @Subject = 'Test Email',  
            @Body = 'Testing....',
            @SMTPServer = 'MyTestSMTP'
Note     : Server Name  gets automatically added in  subject line.
CREATE PROCEDURE  [dbo].[usp_dba_send_cdosysmail]
   @From   varchar(200),
   @To    varchar(2000),
   @CC    varchar(1000) = NULL,
   @BCC   varchar(1000) = NULL,
   @Subject varchar(200) = '',
   @Body   nvarchar(4000)= '',
   @SMTPServer varchar(50), 
   @Body1   varchar(8000) = ' ',
   @Attachments varchar(8000) =''
DECLARE @iMsg int
DECLARE @hr int
DECLARE @Source varchar(255)
DECLARE @Description varchar(500)
DECLARE @Output varchar(1000)
Declare @filename varchar(150)
set @Subject = @@ServerName + ':  ' +  @Subject
-- Create the CDO.Message Object
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @iMsg OUT
  Configuring the Message Object
  This is  to configure a remote SMTP server.
  1 = LOCAL, 2 = REMOTE
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Configuration.fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing").Value','2'
  This is  to configure the Server Name or IP address.  
  Replace MailServerName by the name or IP of your SMTP Server. 
  I set  the IP for  my LOCAL  SMTP BOX
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Configuration.fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver").Value', @SMTPServer 
-- Save the configurations to the message object.
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'Configuration.Fields.Update', null
-- Set the e-mail parameters.
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'To', @To
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'From', @From
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'CC', @CC
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'BCC',@BCC
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Subject', @Subject
-- If you are using HTML e-mail, use 'HTMLBody' instead of 'TextBody'.
--declare @Body2 text
--set @Body2 = @Body + @Body1
declare @vMsg varchar(100)
set @vMsg = convert(varchar,@iMsg)
IF @Body LIKE '%<HTML>%'
  --EXEC @hr = 
--print 'master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty ' +  convert(varchar,@iMsg) + ',''HTMLBody'','''+ @Body + @Body1 + ''''
  exec('master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty ' +  @vMsg + ',''HTMLBody'','''+ @Body + @Body1 + '''')
  set @hr = 0
  EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'TextBody', @Body 
print @Attachments
IF @Attachments != ''
  while len(@Attachments) > 0
    set @filename = left(@Attachments, charindex(',',@Attachments,1)-1)
    set @Attachments = replace(@Attachments, @filename + ',','')
    EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'AddAttachment',NULL, @filename
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'Send', NULL
-- Sample error handling.
IF @hr <> 0 
   SELECT @hr
   EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @Source OUT, @Description OUT
   IF @hr = 0
      SELECT @Output = '  Source: ' + @Source
      PRINT  @Output
      SELECT @Output = '  Description: ' + @Description
      PRINT  @Output
      PRINT '  master.dbo.sp_OAGetErrorInfo failed.'
  Do some error handling after  each step if you need to.
  Clean up the objects created.
EXEC @hr = master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @iMsg

Script for usp_dba_ReplAlert

Purpose   :  Send Replication Failure Alert along with  query to  determine exact command causing failure 
Author    :  Mohan Kumar
Created on   :  09/18/2006
    Tables / Views
    Procedures / Functions
exec dbo.usp_dba_ReplAlert
CREATE procedure  [dbo].[usp_dba_ReplAlert]
  set nocount on
  declare  @publisher   sysname
      ,@publisher_db  sysname
      ,@publication  sysname
      ,@article    sysname
      ,@subscriber   sysname
      ,@subscriber_db sysname
      ,@alert_id    int
      ,@ErrorDesc   varchar(max)
      ,@Body      varchar(max)
      ,@minTime    varchar(10)
      ,@maxTime    varchar(10)
      ,@error_id    int
      ,@publisher_database_id tinyint
      ,@xact_seqno nvarchar(max)
      ,@cmdid smallint
      ,@FindCmdString nvarchar(max)
  declare cur cursor local  for
        select  distinct  publisher
            ,right(convert(varchar(max),alert_error_text),len(convert(varchar(max),alert_error_text)) - (charindex('failed',convert(varchar(max),alert_error_text),1)+6))
      from   msdb..sysreplicationalerts s (nolock) join distribution..MSdistribution_agents d (nolock)
        on  s.agent_id  = d.id
      where  alert_error_code = 14151 and status = 0
    for read  only
    open cur
  fetch cur into  @publisher
  while (@@fetch_status = 0)
    set @Body = '<html><body>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<table border="0">'
    set @Body = @Body + '<tr style="background:#FF99CC"><td colspan=3>Replication Alert as on ' + convert(varchar,getdate(),107) + ' at ' +  convert(varchar,getdate(),108) + '</td></tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>Publisher Server</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>:</td><td>' + @publisher + '</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '</tr><tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>Publisher DB</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>:</td><td>' + @publisher_db + '</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '</tr><tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>Subscriber Server</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>:</td><td>' + @subscriber + '</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '</tr><tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>Subscriber DB</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>:</td><td>' + @subscriber_db + '</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '</tr><tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>Publication</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td>:</td><td>' + @publication + '</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '</tr><tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td><font color = red> Error Description</font></td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td> </td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '</tr><tr>'
    set @Body = @Body + '<td colspan=3><font color=red>' + replace(@ErrorDesc,'''','"') + '</font></td>'
/********** get sp_browsereplcmds command string for  help *************/
       @xact_seqno = CONVERT(nvarchar(max),xact_seqno,1)
      ,@cmdid = command_id
      from Distribution.dbo.MSrepl_errors where id=@error_id
    set @FindCmdString = '<font color=blue>exec </font><font color=darkred>sp_browsereplcmds </font> @xact_seqno_start = <font color=red>''''' + CONVERT(nvarchar(max),@xact_seqno,1) + '''''</font>'
    set @FindCmdString= @FindCmdString + ',@xact_seqno_end = <font color=red>''''' + CONVERT(nvarchar(max),@xact_seqno,1) + '''''</font>'
    set @FindCmdString= @FindCmdString + ',@publisher_database_id = ' + CONVERT(varchar,@publisher_database_id) 
    set @FindCmdString= @FindCmdString + ',@command_id = ' + CONVERT(varchar,@cmdid) 
    --print @FindCmdString
  --  print @Body
    if @Body like '%The subscription(s) have been marked inactive%'
      update  distribution.dbo.MSsubscriptions 
      set   status = 2
      where  status = 0
      set @Body = @Body + '</tr><tr>'
      set @Body = @Body + '<td colspan=3><font color=blue> <p><b>DBA, Please use following query to find command throwing error: </b> <br></font> ' + @FindCmdString + '</td>'
    set @Body = @Body + '</tr></table>'  
    set @Body = @Body + '</body></html>'  
    -- Change From, To, and SMTP Server name accordingly to your requirement and environment.
    exec dbo.usp_dba_send_cdosysmail 
      @To = 'mohan@sqlserverexperts.com',
      @Subject = 'Replication Error', 
      @Body = @Body,
      @SMTPServer = 'MyTestSMTP'
         fetch cur into  @publisher
  close cur
  deallocate cur
  update msdb.dbo.sysreplicationalerts set status = 1
  where status = 0


**1.It is highly advised to test it in your environment before implementing. **
2.Check test mail working before implementing alert.