PowerShell - Export SQL Data to Excel with Powershell


SQL Server Export to Excel with PowerShell is very useful for all sorts of activities – ETL and reporting are some examples.  This post is to Export SQL Data to Excel with PowerShell. In this example, a connection is made to SQL Server Instance using DSN and then SQL output is written to an Excel worksheet. You can also do an Auto refresh of data. Open the Excel Sheet, go to Data and click Refresh any new or updated data will reflect in the Excel sheet.


  1. PowerShell 2.0 -> PS:\$host.version
  2. Excel 
  3. ODBC  Setup -> Go To Control Panel -> Admin Tools -> Select ODBC - UserDSN -  SQL Server - DSN Name -> Select Server Name -> Test the connection


Save the below content in a file ExportSQLDataToExcel.PS1 and edit the first set of required parameters.

#Just change the below parameters
$From ='pjayaram@cts.com'
$To = '<To Address>'  # for example abcd@xyz.com
$DSN =' <DSN Name'
# constants.
# and we put the queries in here
# You can replace the SQL - Depends on your requirement. In this case, I've used to list the database details
CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), DB.name) AS dbName, 
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATABASEPROPERTYEX(name, 'status')) AS [Status], 
(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sysaltfiles WHERE DB_NAME(dbid) = DB.name AND groupid !=0 ) AS DataFiles, 
(SELECT SUM((size*8)/1024) FROM sysaltfiles WHERE DB_NAME(dbid) = DB.name AND groupid!=0) AS [Data MB], 
(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sysaltfiles WHERE DB_NAME(dbid) = DB.name AND groupid=0) AS LogFiles, 
(SELECT SUM((size*8)/1024) FROM sysaltfiles WHERE DB_NAME(dbid) = DB.name AND groupid=0) AS [Log MB], 
(SELECT SUM((size*8)/1024) FROM sysaltfiles WHERE DB_NAME(dbid) = DB.name AND groupid!=0)+(SELECT SUM((size*8)/1024) FROM sysaltfiles WHERE DB_NAME(dbid) = DB.name AND groupid=0) TotalSizeMB, 
convert(sysname,DatabasePropertyEx(name,'Updateability'))  Updateability, 
convert(sysname,DatabasePropertyEx(name,'UserAccess')) UserAccess , 
convert(sysname,DatabasePropertyEx(name,'Recovery')) RecoveryModel , 
convert(sysname,DatabasePropertyEx(name,'Version')) Version , 
CASE cmptlevel 
WHEN 60 THEN  '60 (SQL Server 6.0)'
WHEN 65 THEN  '65 (SQL Server 6.5)'
WHEN 70 THEN  '70 (SQL Server 7.0)'
WHEN 80 THEN  '80 (SQL Server 2000)'
WHEN 90 THEN  '90 (SQL Server 2005)'
WHEN 100 THEN  '100 (SQL Server 2008)'
END AS [compatibility level],  
CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), crdate, 103) +  ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), crdate, 108) AS [Creation date], 
CASE TYPE WHEN 'D' THEN  'Full' WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential' WHEN 'L'  THEN 'Transaction log'  END + ' – ' +  
LTRIM(ISNULL(STR(ABS(DATEDIFF(DAY, GETDATE(),Backup_finish_date))) + ' days ago',  'NEVER')) + ' – ' + 
CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), backup_start_date, 103) +  ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), backup_start_date, 108) +  ' – ' + 
CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), backup_finish_date, 103) +  ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), backup_finish_date, 108) +  
' (' + CAST(DATEDIFF(second, BK.backup_start_date,  
BK.backup_finish_date) AS VARCHAR(4)) + ' '+ 'seconds)'
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset BK WHERE BK.database_name = DB.name ORDER BY backup_set_id DESC),'-') AS [Last backup] 
FROM sysdatabases DB 
ORDER BY dbName, [Last backup] DESC, NAME
#Create an Excel file to save the data
# if the directory doesn't exist, then create it
if (!(Test-Path -path "$DirectoryToSave")) #create it if not existing
  New-Item "$DirectoryToSave"  -type directory | out-null
$excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application #open a new instance of Excel
$excel.Visible = $True #make it visible (for debugging more than anything)
$wb = $Excel.Workbooks.Add() #create a workbook
$currentWorksheet=1 #there are three open worksheets you can fill up
      if ($currentWorksheet-lt 4) 
        $ws = $wb.Worksheets.Item($currentWorksheet)
        $ws = $wb.Worksheets.Add()
      } #add if it doesn't exist
      $currentWorksheet += 1 #keep a tally
  # You can refresh it
      $qt = $ws.QueryTables.Add("ODBC;DSN=$DSN", $ws.Range("A1"), $SQL)
      # and execute it
      if ($qt.Refresh()) #if the routine works OK
            $excel.Rows.Item(1).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter
            $excel.Rows.Item(1).VerticalAlignment = $xlTop
            $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Name = "Calibri"
            $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Size = 11
            $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Bold = $true
            $Excel.Columns.Item(1).Font.Bold = $true
$filename = "$DirectoryToSaveTo$filename.xlsx"  #save it according to its title
if (test-path $filename ) { rm $filename } #delete the file if it already exists
$wb.SaveAs($filename,  $xlOpenXMLWorkbook) #save as an XML Workbook (xslx)
$wb.Saved = $True #flag it as being saved
$wb.Close() #close the document
$Excel.Quit() #and the instance of Excel
$wb = $Null #set all variables that point to Excel objects to null
$ws = $Null #makes sure Excel deflates
$Excel=$Null #let the air out
#Function to send email with an attachment
Function sendEmail([string]$emailFrom, [string]$emailTo, [string]$subject,[string]$body,[string]$smtpServer,[string]$filePath)
#initate message
$email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage 
$email.From = $emailFrom
$email.Subject = $subject
$email.Body = $body
# initiate email attachment 
$emailAttach = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment $filePath
#initiate sending email 
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
#Call Function 
sendEmail -emailFrom $from -emailTo $to  -subject "Database Details"  -body "Database Information"  -smtpServer $SMTP -filePath $filename



For testing, you can add a test database on the source server and follow the steps by opening Excel sheet. After refresh, you can see the newly added database will be reflected in the worksheet.



See Also