How to include Server Name in Test-ServiceHealth

**Problem Description: **

How to Include Server Name in Test-ServiceHealth command of Exchange 2007 / 2010.



[PS] D:\>Test-ServiceHealth -Server Server01

Role                    : Client Access Server Role
RequiredServicesRunning : True
ServicesRunning         : {IISAdmin, MSExchangeAB, MSExchangeADTopology, MSExchangeFBA, MSExchangeFDS, MSExchangeIMAP4, MSExchangeMailboxReplication, MSExchangePOP3, MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost, MSExchangeRPC, MSExchangeServiceHost, W3Svc, WinRM}
ServicesNotRunning      : {}



 Add-Member adds the new members to the input object. However, when the input object is a string, Add-Member cannot add the member to the input object. For these objects, use the PassThru parameter to create an output object.

** Solution:**

 Run below command, We will get output with servername (Server01). Here we have given input of server names in a *.txt file

** Get-Content C:\server.txt | foreach-object {test-servicehealth -server $_ | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Server -Value $_ -PassThru} | fl** *


RunspaceId              : 86ffa9e4-34cd-4aae-a506-925b61f14f9a
Server                  : Server01
Role                    : Client Access Server Role
RequiredServicesRunning : True
ServicesNotRunning      : {}
ServicesRunning         : {IISAdmin, MSExchangeAB, MSExchangeADTopology, MSExchangeFBA, MSExchangeFDS, MSExchangeIMAP4, MSExchangeMailboxReplication, MSExchangePOP3, MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost, MSExchangeRPC, MSExchangeServiceHost, W3Svc, WinRM}
Identity                :
IsValid                 : True

** If we want to check this for all Exchange server in Organization (Only for exchange 2007, 2010)**

** **$servers = Get-ExchangeServer
foreach ($server in $servers) {Write-Host "Checking" $ ;Test-ServiceHealth $server | ft * }