Operations Manager Dashboard Widgets

This document is part of the Operations Manager Management Pack Authoring Guide.  The Microsoft System Center team has validated this procedure as of Revision #4.  We will continue to review any changes and periodically provide validations on later revisions as they are made.  Please feel free to make any corrections or additions to this procedure that you think would assist other users.


This topic includes descriptions of each widget that is available to be included in an Operations Manager dashboard. A table is also included for each with a description of each property that must be configured. Widgets may be added to a dashboard using the Operations Console using the following procedure:

  1. Add a Dashboard View to a folder in the Monitoring pane of the Operations Console.
  2. In a pane of the dashboard, click the Click to add widget link.
  3. Select the widget and follow the wizard to configure its properties.

Note that the widgets listed here require Update Rollup 2 for System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager.

Alert Widgets

Alert Widget

Displays a table with alerts related to an object or group of objects and that match a specified criteria.




If an object is selected then all alerts associated with that object and match the criteria are included.  If a group is selected, then all alerts associated with all objects contained in the group are included.


Specify values to filter on different properties of the alert.  If you select no values for a particular property then that property is not included in the criteria.

Display Preferences

Select the columns that should be displayed in the alert.  You can also select one or more properties to use for sorting or grouping the alerts.

Contextual Alert Widget

Displays a table with alerts related to an object selected in another control in the dashboard and that match a specified criteria. You don’t need to specify which component this one is connected to. The widget will automatically refresh with the alerts for any object that is selected in another component in the dashboard.




Specify values to filter on different properties of the alert.  If you select no values for a particular property then that property is not included in the criteria.

Display Preferences

Select the columns that should be displayed in the alert.  You can also select one or more properties to use for sorting or grouping the alerts.

Object Widgets

Contextual Health Widget

Displays a table that includes monitors directly targeted at an object selected in another control in the dashboard and that match a specified criteria. You don’t need to specify which component this one is connected to. The widget will automatically refresh with the monitors for any object that is selected in another component in the dashboard.




Details Widget

Displays the health and the values of all properties of an object selected in another control in the dashboard. You don’t need to specify which component this one is connected to. The widget will automatically refresh with the monitors for any object that is selected in another component in the dashboard.




Instance Details Widget

Displays the health and the values of all properties of a specific object.




Specify a group or an object to use for the widget.  If a group is selected, only the group itself is used, not any of its members.

Object Detail Tiles Widget

Displays the following set of tiles for an object or the members of a group.

  • Summary tile showing the health and number of alerts for the object that match a criteria.  If a group is selected, a single summary tile is displayed that shows the number of open alerts for all members of the group.  An icon indicates the current health of the object.  An up or down arrow indicates whether the alert count is trending up or down.
  • SLA tiles for each Service Level Agreements that the object is included in.  If there are multiple Service Level Objectives in an SLA, then the tile cycles through the different values.  An icon indicates whether the last value represents a Pass or Fail.  An up or down arrow indicates whether the value is trending up or down.
  • Performance tiles for one or more performance counters associated with the object or members of the group.  A tile is created for each performance counter that is selected.  If a group is selected, a separate set of tiles is created for each member.  Each performance tile includes the last measured value and a line graph indicating the trend of measured values. An up or down arrow indicates whether the value is trending up or down.



Time Range

Specifies the time range for the SLA and performance tiles.


If a group is selected, then a separate tile is displayed for each performance counter and each object contained in the group.  If an object is selected, then a separate Performance tile is displayed for each performance counter for the object only.  In both cases, a single Summary tile and single SLA tile are displayed.

Alert Criteria

Specify values to filter on different properties of the alerts to include in the Summary tile.  If you select no values for a particular property then that property is not included in the criteria.

New alerts are defined by alerts that were created within the specified timeframe.

If you uncheck the Enable setting, then the Summary tile is not displayed.
Performance Counters Specify the one or more counters for the Performance tiles.  Only counters that are being collected with a collection rule are available to use.

Performance counters are specified by an Object, Counter, and Instance.  You can specify (All) to include a tile for each instance.


Specify whether to display the SLA tiles.


Object Health Widget

Displays a table with a list of monitors for the selected object and its contained objects.  By default only unhealthy monitors are displayed, but the user can select an option to display all monitors.  Each time the dashboard is opened, it will revert to the default of only unhealthy monitors. 




If an object is selected, then the monitors for the object and any objects that it contains are included.  If a group is selected, then the monitors for any members of the group and their contained objects are included.

State Widget

Displays a table with a list of objects with their properties and current health state. 




Specify a class and one or more groups and objects to include in the view.  If a group is selected, all members of the group are included. 

Only objects and members of groups that are instances of the specified class are included in the view.  If you want to select properties for a particular class, then must select that class.  If you use Object, all instances of all classes that are members of the class are included, but only a common set of properties is available. 


Specify whether objects with a certain health state or in maintenance mode should be included in the view.


Select the properties that should be displayed in the alert.  You can also select one or more properties to use for sorting or grouping the alerts.

State Tiles Widget

Displays a summary tile showing the health and number of alerts for the object that match a criteria. If a group is selected, a single summary tile is displayed that shows the number of open alerts for all members of the group. An icon indicates the current health of the object. An up or down arrow indicates whether the current count is higher or lower than the previous value. 




A single tile is displayed for the selected object or group.  If a group is selected a separate tile is not created for each member of the group.


Specify values to filter on different properties of the alerts to include in the Summary tile.  If you select no values for a particular property then that property is not included in the criteria.

New alerts are defined by alerts that were created within the specified timeframe.

Performance Widgets

Object by Performance Widget

Displays a list of objects sorted according to the value of a particular performance counter. An average is calculated from the collected data for each object, and then that average value is used for the ranking. For example, you could create a list of computers that are sorted according to their processor utilization or available memory.



Scope and Counters

If a group is selected, then all members of the group are included.  If an object is selected, then all of the objects contained by that object are included.  For example, you could select a distributed application to include all of its selected objects.

Performance counters are specified by an Object, Counter, and Instance.  You must specify a single counter.  If you select (All) for the object, counter, or instance, the table will not contain any objects.

Time Range and Results

Time range specifies the time duration for the performance values to include in the average.  You can specify a maximum of 10 hours or 10 days depending on the unit that you select.

You must also specify whether you want to show the top or bottom ranked objects values if the number of included objects exceeds the specified number.  You can include a maximum of 20 objects.


Select the columns that should be displayed in the table.  You can also specify the minimum and maximum values for the bar that is displayed illustrating the average value.


Performance Widget

Displays a line chart and a table with a list of objects and their current health state. 



Scope and Counters

If a group is selected, then performance counters for all objects contained in the group are included.  If an object is selected, then performance counters for all of the objects contained by that object are included.  For example, you could select a distributed application to include all of its selected objects.

Performance counters are specified by an Object, Counter, and Instance.  You can specify (All) to include all instances of a counter.

Time Range

Specifies the time duration for the performance values to include.  The bottom axis of the chart represents this time range.

Chart Preferences

Specify the properties and values to include in the table and whether you want to provide custom minimum and maximum values for the vertical axis.

PowerShell Widgets

PowerShell Grid Widget

Displays the results of a Windows PowerShell script in a grid.  

Full documentation on the PowerShell Grid Widget including sample scripts is available in Operations Manager Dashboard Script Widgets.




The script to run.  See above for details.


PowerShell Web Browser Widget

Displays the output of a web page retrieved by a PowerShell script.  

Full documentation on the PowerShell Web Browser Widget including sample scripts is available in Operations Manager Dashboard Script Widgets.




The script to run.  See above for details.

SLA Widgets

Object SLA Widget

Graphically displays the last measured value each Service Level Objective in one more Service Level Agreements.




Group or object

SLA Widget

Graphically displays the last measured value of each Service Level Objective in one more Service Level Agreements. A green or red bar is displayed depending on whether the objective is above or below the goal.




Select one or more Service Level Agreements to include.  All Service Level Objectives for each SLA is automatically included.

SLA Tiles Widget

Displays an SLA tile showing the last Service Level Objective value for the object. If there are multiple Service Level Objectives, then the tile cycles through the different values. An icon indicates whether the last value represents a Pass or Fail. An up or down arrow indicates whether the current count is higher or lower than the previous value.



Time Range

The SLA is calculated over the specified time period.

 SLA Select one or more Service Level Agreements to include.  A separate tile will be created for each SLA.

Miscellaneous Widgets

Topology Widget

Displays an icon for one or more objects on a selected image. Once the widget is configured, you can drag the icons to different locations on the image where the location is saved.




Select one or more objects or groups.  A health icon tile is displayed for each.  If a group is selected, an icon is created only for the group and not for the members of the group.  If an object is selected an icon is created for that object.


The background image to display.  You can select from the available images or add one of your own.  Any images that are added will be available to all topology widgets.  Only the image that is selected will be displayed in the dashboard.  You cannot remove an image once it has been added.

Node Visualization

The icon to use to represent the objects.  Default Node will display the standard health state icon for all objects.  Vicinity Node will display the standard diagram view icon for each object.


Web Browser Widget

Displays a web, optionally sending the ID of the management group, the ID of an object selected in another widget in the dashboard, and the ID of an alert selected in another widget in the dashboard. This allows you to create a web page that could use the Operations Manager SDK to retrieve information or perform some other action dynamically in response to a user selection in the dashboard.



Web Page

Specify the URL of the web page.  This must include the protocol or nothing will be displayed.  For example, http://www.bing.com/ will work while www.bing.com will not.

If you want to pass one or more IDs to the web page, check the appropriate box and type a name for the variable.  The effective URL that will be used will be displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

See Also