Install and Configure Hyper-V and Create a Virtual Machine

Brief Description of Hyper-V:

Hyper-V enables you to create a virtualized server computing environment. You can use a virtualized computing environment to improve the efficiency of your computing resources by utilizing more of your hardware resources. This is possible because you use Hyper-V to create and manage virtual machines and their resources. Each virtual machine is a virtualized computer system that operates in an isolated execution environment. This allows you to run multiple operating systems simultaneously on one physical computer**.**


  • Install Roles.
  • Configure Hyper-V.
  • Create a Virtual Machine.

Installing the roles for Hyper-V:

Open up Server Manager.

  • Once the server has initialised all its roles then click on Manage as shown above and then click on “Add Roles and Features”

  • Read through the information (if you knew to this), to continue click Next.

  • Select “Role-Based or feature-based installation” and click Next.

  • Leave the defaults and then click Next.

  • Click on the checkbox next to Hyper-V.

  • After you have selected the role Hyper-V this window will come up. Click on add Features.
  • Click Next.

  • On the Feature screen click Next.

  • You can read the note regarding the install and then click Next.

  • Make your selection and then click Next.

  • If you want to allow live migrations then click the checkbox above, otherwise accept the defaults and then click Next.

  • Specify the default location for your virtual harddisks by clicking the Browse button or accept the default locations and then click Next.

  • Click the checkbox to “Restart” the server automatically if required.

  • After you made the selection in the previous section this box will come up. Click Yes.
  • Click Install.

  • Installation started, you can close this window and then view the install from Server Manager.

  • Installation complete.
  • Restart your server.

Configuring Hyper-V:

  • You can open this shortcut either by using Server Manager or going to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Hyper-V Manager.

  • This is the Hyper-V window that will open.
  • Click on Hyper-V Settings on the right hand side, the screen below will come up.

  • Here you can change all your settings. Once done click on Apply then OK.

  • Below Hyper-V settings you have Virtual Switch Manager, Click on it and you will see the screen above.
  • Here you can create your virtual switch. When done click on Apply then OK.

Create a Virtual Machine:

  • Click on New -> Virtual Machine.

  • Enter in the name of the new virtual machine, if you want to change the storage location of the VM select the checkbox and then click on browse.
  • Click Next.

  • Set the memory for the virtual machine and then click Next.

  • You can select the Virtual Switch you setup earlier or you can leave the VM “Not Connected”.
  • Click Next.

  • Here you can create a new Virtual Disk. Adjust the size and change the location to suite you otherwise select the defaults and then click Next.

  • You can install an operating system later or make the selection above, click the browse button to select a valid ISO file. If you want to install from the Hosts physical drive then choose “Physical CD\DVD drive”

  • The summary screen will show, click Finish to create the virtual machine.