Backup SharePoint Solutions Using PowerShell


  • We need to export all our solutions from Test Environment to Production Farm.
  • We need to have a Solutions back up folder in both the farm.


  • SharePoint 2010
  • PowerShell 2.0
  • Windows 2008 R2


We can achieve this using PowerShell:

help Get-Location -Examples

help Set-Location -Examples

help Get-SPFarm -Examples

help New-Item -Examples


   SharePoint 2010 farm Solutions Back up
   This Script will help SP Admins to back up all WSP files in Folder as a backup.
   We can deploy directly from the back up or can be used as required.
   Backup-SPSolutions -FolderPath C:\Temp -FolderName 'SPFarmSolutions'
function Backup-SPSolutions
        # Provide Folder path to create a Back up folder
                   helpmessage="Enter the valid path",

        # name the back up folder eg: SPFarmSolutionsBackup

        Write-Host "Backing Up SharePoint Farm Solutions..." -ForegroundColor Yellow 
        New-Item $FolderPath\$FolderName -ItemType Directory -Force  
        Set-Location $FolderPath\$FolderName
        Start-Sleep 2
        (Get-SPFarm).Solutions | %{$Solutions = (Get-Location).Path + â€œ\â€? + $_.Name; $_.SolutionFile.SaveAs($Solutions)}  
        Write-Host "SharePoint Farm Solutions are backed up...." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Invoke-Item $FolderPath\$FolderName

Backup-SPSolutions -FolderPath C:\Temp -FolderName 'SPFarmSolutions'


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